only ending

Marcellus 2022-04-21 09:03:02

If I never came to this world, it would not disturb your life, and the quality of this world would be irrelevant to me from now on, I don't need to be involved in it, and work hard for it; but if I never came to this world , how can I meet you, how can I sacrifice myself in order to fulfill you; if I never came to this world, there is no me in your life, and there is no me in your memory, not I choose to leave, but from In the future, no one knows that my life is actually tied to your destiny, and I am your destiny; if I never came to this world, maybe you would live better, maybe you would live worse, anyway I I won't know anymore, I can't save it, so I finally have the only ending. -------------------------------------------------- -

I spent a whole afternoon to read three .
Three separate stories about love, deliverance and possession.
Small decisions, buried power that affects a lifetime, no one can see the opportunity.
This is a game full of paradoxes, the exit of the protagonist is the only ending, whether it is unborn or dead, otherwise there is no peace. At the end, when the little girl reveals with a strange smile, it all seems to be just the beginning. Life always has mistakes that we can't predict, and it won't stop until the last moment. Perfection does not exist, and demanding will only hold us in the footsteps of continuing to move forward, and we will continue to scribble, leaving only fragments of broken lives.

It turns out that even if we can use the moonlight treasure box to perfect the process thousands of times, there is only one result - the one we will never be satisfied with; it turns out that our opponent is never anyone around us, but fate itself, How to fight!
Regarding this, and have the same meaning!

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Extended Reading

The Butterfly Effect 3: Revelations quotes

  • Jenna Reide: This is so Scooby-Doo, isn't it? I would've gotten away with it if it wasn't for those meddling kids.

    Sam Reide: You're out of your fucking mind, Jenna.

    Jenna Reide: Come on, Sam. You know that's not true. If you hadn't kept jumping back to catch me, I could've stopped. But every time you went back, there was more witnesses, there was more evidence to cover up. It's funny when you think about it. You really did create a serial killer. Ever since the day you jumped back and you saved me, I knew I'd only live for you.

  • [first lines]

    Mother in the Park: Alright, Josh. Time to go.