We are our own conversion stone

Amparo 2021-12-20 08:01:04

Converting base metals into gold is a conversion to a higher self in spiritual alchemy. In the end, when the heroine saves the hero, she finds that the enlightenment stone needs a transformation stone to be resurrected. In the end, she discovers that the transformation stone is ourselves. Only ourselves can change our destiny and development. Those fears of being unable to pass stem from our avoidance and our inability to forgive ourselves. When the inner devil appears, we need to defeat it immediately, and it can be considered to be on the road afterwards~~ We must first experience those egoes, the dark side of ourselves, which is to face the truth. Of yourself.

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As Above, So Below quotes

  • La Taupe: The only way out is down.

  • Scarlett: If we find the chamber, then that's the way out. We'll find a way out.

    Souxie: Are you sure?

    Scarlett: I think I'm sure.