Life is like a hemp, living is like suffering

Oswaldo 2022-04-23 07:03:53

A very touching movie, and I honestly like it a lot. The film is calm and restrained, but also sincerely and naturally presents the life of the bottom people and the sadness of the workers. What is shocking is that such a difficult situation is not an isolated case, it is universal to a certain class. It can even be said that the family shown to us in this film is already relatively good. At least, the family is in love with each other. At least, parents can communicate, and family members are willing to communicate. And when family members lose control of their emotions and lose their temper, some people are willing to understand and reconcile. At least, there is no violence and abuse in this family, no disease, no alcoholism or drug abuse. However, their lives are still a mess, a bunch of troubles that can't be solved. Sometimes, at a certain point in life, things come together. Bad things come one after another, and no one's heart is strong enough to take it all. The cruelty of life is that even if you are punched and punched hard, scarred and embarrassed, you have to stumble up and continue to seek life. The real world does not believe in tears. Without money, everything in the face may be cold. No one is right or wrong, everyone can't help themselves, and everyone has their own last resort. In this world, some people live, just work hard day after day. Perhaps, I will never see the day when the class crosses, and I will be struggling on the line of survival all my life. Therefore, we must place our hopes on the children, but the children may not get what they want, and then we must place our hopes on the next generation of children. If you want to achieve a rise in class, if you are very lucky, you can achieve it in one or two generations. But with less luck, it may take generations to make it happen. This kind of intergenerational relay across classes, a steady and continuous effort, is promising. However, in the end, it may only reach the initial level that some people have already had from birth. But even so, you need to work hard. Poverty is transmitted from generation to generation, and everyone has different resources and different space for development. Fate is not a mysterious word, it is the result of a real innate difference in resource endowment. The movie looks sad, but real life can be even crueler. We all want to love and be loved, we all want to be respected and treated kindly, but some people may never experience all of this in their entire lives, nor do they have such conditions and abilities. Humans are not created equal, this is an objective fact. Although, very helpless, but can only accept and face. In any case, this kind of social reality will never change, but at least it is better to live in the contemporary era than in the ancient times! Society is progressing, and the structure and mode of operation of society have undergone earth-shaking changes. Hope to live in this world one day Everyone in the world can live better, be more personal, and live with joy. But don't say I am a utopia, facing the sea, thinking of spring flowers, isn't it good? In this film, the social problems reflected through a family are not only the hardships of life at the bottom, but also more or less make us feel the indifference of the society, the alienation of family affection, and the embarrassment of being without a home. Reality is not always tender. Life isn't all that good. Humans are animals of the environment, subject to the environment, that's all. Hey, born as a human, sigh and sigh. Sigh, in a nutshell, write down in writing...

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Sorry We Missed You quotes

  • Abbie Turner: This is my family, and I'm telling you now, nobody messes with my family.

  • Ricky: I don't know what's got into you, I really don't. You're a smart kid just like Liza. You used to be in all the top sets. What is going on? Just give yourself some choices mate.

    Abbie Turner: Seb?

    Seb: Hmm-mm?

    Abbie Turner: We've talked about this. You could go to uni.

    Seb: Go to uni? What, and be like Harpoon's brother? £57 grand in debt and what? Working in a call centre now, getting smashed every weekend just to forget his problems. Of course.

    Ricky: Yeah, but it doesn't have to be like that does it? There's some good jobs out there.

    Seb: Good jobs? What good jobs?

    Ricky: Well there is if you just knuckle down. Give yourself some options. Otherwise you're just going to end up like...

    Seb: What, like you?

    Ricky: Oh fucking nice!

    Abbie Turner: Seb...

    Seb: Do you really think I want that? Really?

    Ricky: Yeah...

    Seb: Well yeah of course I do don't I? I want to be like you.

    Ricky: Yeah, going from shit job to shit job, working 14 hours a day, having to put up with everyone else's shit. Going from one shit job to another shit job. You're just going to end up a skivvy.

    Seb: A skivvy? It's your choice to be a skivvy isn't it? A skivvy doesn't come to, you, you go to it - right?

    Ricky: I'm doing my best Seb.

    Seb: Maybe your best isn't good enough, is it?