The world is wrong, not ours

Hildegard 2022-04-19 09:02:43

This movie may only partially reflect the status quo of the lower classes, and the real situation is only worse.

I realized that I couldn't understand and appreciate their suffering without a real sense of empathy. Everyone has their own predicament, and what you think of as helping is just your narcissism.

Even though the whole movie has the warmth of a family, the background is despair. I have naively thought that as long as the family is willing to live a good life, there is nothing to beat, and money is not necessary. But now it seems that no money will really kill a person. When you see a problem, you can’t just think of one aspect, a causal relationship, the facts are often complicated, one triggers another, and slowly accumulates and overwhelms a person. This is not a question of whether individuals work hard or are smart or whether they exert their own initiative. It is a question of the system and the rules of the game. The fault lies with those in power, not us in the game.

Don't blame yourself for not being able to do it, tell yourself it's not our problem, it's society's fault. I think about it now, perhaps the biggest difference after entering the society is that various forces, interests, rules and relationships are mixed together; it is not like now, as long as I want, I can do it, as long as I am willing to spend more time and more I can do it if I work hard; it's more of a problem with the system, and there will be more helplessness, but I can't do it, or I can't do it at all. We are not wrong, don't blame ourselves, try to paddle as much as possible, and strive for the best interests for ourselves, the premise is to protect our body, protect our family and protect ourselves. Don't hate people who are exploited by the same system as you, but hate a system. Those who are capable should try to change it, and those who are incapable should protect themselves and those they love. Don't be too serious about everything, don't be brainwashed by those who try to take advantage of you, stay clear-headed and think independently.

Most people are so unfortunate, why should they laugh at a hundred paces? Why hurt each other? Isn't that what those people most want to see? To protect ourselves, not to hurt others, to do what we can to help others, to do what we think is right, this is the greatest kindness we can do.

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Sorry We Missed You quotes

  • Abbie Turner: This is my family, and I'm telling you now, nobody messes with my family.

  • Ricky: I don't know what's got into you, I really don't. You're a smart kid just like Liza. You used to be in all the top sets. What is going on? Just give yourself some choices mate.

    Abbie Turner: Seb?

    Seb: Hmm-mm?

    Abbie Turner: We've talked about this. You could go to uni.

    Seb: Go to uni? What, and be like Harpoon's brother? £57 grand in debt and what? Working in a call centre now, getting smashed every weekend just to forget his problems. Of course.

    Ricky: Yeah, but it doesn't have to be like that does it? There's some good jobs out there.

    Seb: Good jobs? What good jobs?

    Ricky: Well there is if you just knuckle down. Give yourself some options. Otherwise you're just going to end up like...

    Seb: What, like you?

    Ricky: Oh fucking nice!

    Abbie Turner: Seb...

    Seb: Do you really think I want that? Really?

    Ricky: Yeah...

    Seb: Well yeah of course I do don't I? I want to be like you.

    Ricky: Yeah, going from shit job to shit job, working 14 hours a day, having to put up with everyone else's shit. Going from one shit job to another shit job. You're just going to end up a skivvy.

    Seb: A skivvy? It's your choice to be a skivvy isn't it? A skivvy doesn't come to, you, you go to it - right?

    Ricky: I'm doing my best Seb.

    Seb: Maybe your best isn't good enough, is it?