About Evil morty

Rosemarie 2022-10-31 01:26:13

Involves a lot of spoilers, conjecture, reasoning and conspiracy theories:

Before talking about evil Morty, first talk about Morty

Who is Morty, Rick's grandson, he's not smart, and he's also very athletic

But he is an indispensable partner, or tool, of the most intelligent grandfather in the universe.

The meaning of Morty's existence

Morty's brainwaves can neutralize Rick's, similar to a human invisibility cloak.

This is kinda weird

Because Morty is just a normal person, his family doesn't show super powers, and his sister is just a normal person

So why is Morty so unique?

Or, why in the entire universe, only Morty has the ability to cancel Rick's brain waves?

In a sense, that's actually why Morty was created.

I personally understand that Morty's particularity is artificial

Rick can't tell him directly

Although in the play, it is not directly stated why Morty is so special

But the general theory is because Jerry

Because Jerry is a very stupid person, Morty has inherited this gene, so he has similar special abilities

Is this theory sound?

It seems reasonable at first glance, but a closer analysis will reveal that this theory is fundamentally untenable

First of all, as the first child of Jerry and Beth, summer does not have the ability to block Rick's brain waves

And summer isn't stupid

This may be because summer did not inherit Jerry's genes

But that's okay, there's more evidence

Rick said implicitly that Morty had a brain wave corresponding to Rick, but he did not directly point out that

The nature of this brainwave, but the truth is already coming out - this brainwave is a stupid waveform

But, who said the brainwaves must be inherited from Jerry?

Even Rick didn't specify that it was Morty's father.

We are just inferring according to habitual thinking

Because Rick hates Jerry and keeps saying Jerry is a loser, a loser, a fool

So Morty's stupid waveform must have been inherited from him

This is not correct

What's interesting about this show is that a lot of content doesn't follow inertia

Evidence that Jerry isn't actually stupid

1. Rick is not angry with Jerry, but because of his behavior

Although Rick kept saying that Jerry was an idiot and a loser, these sarcastic language

Most of it comes from Rick's anger towards Jerry, this anger does not come from Jerry's IQ

But because Jerry let Beth get pregnant when he was 17 years old, Rick has been with Jerry ever since.

Angry, and this is definitely justified, but justified anger doesn't mean that opinions are unbiased

2. Contrast question

Everyone must agree that Jerry is stupid to most Ricks, but the question is, who is not? After all, Rick is the smartest person in the universe. For him, most of the creatures or non-living things in this universe may be stupid, otherwise Rick can't be regarded as the "smartest" person.

So it is obviously untrue to conclude that Jerry is stupid based only on Rick's statement.

3. Is Morty the dumbest person in the universe?

Even if Jerry is really an idiot, is his son Morty really dumb enough to be "the dumbest in the universe"?

No, maybe Morty has a learning disability, but that doesn't mean Morty is "the dumbest in the universe"

Obviously, Morty may not be that smart, but he's definitely not stupid enough to be the exact opposite of the smartest person in the universe

Compared with ordinary people, does Morty seem like a mental retardation?

Not at all. Morty is way better than a real mental retard.

4. So is Jerry the dumbest person in the universe?

Just to say that Jerry succeeded in getting the daughter of the smartest genius in the universe pregnant at 17 years old shows how stupid Jerry is.

Of course, this is a conclusion drawn from the perspective of a bystander

Conversely, a person who can "successfully impregnate the daughter of the smartest man in the universe at 17"

Even if you're not extremely smart, you can't be too stupid

5. Is Jerry an idiot?

not at all

As can be seen from the multiverse TV series, Jerry is a successful person

If a big-name star, a film director is not successful, what is success?

Since Jerry has the ability to become a movie star, it shows that Jerry is actually quite suitable for Beth

Imagine if Jerry was Tom Hanks, then he and Beth wouldn't be so unacceptable?

6. Crucial evidence

In fact, this evidence alone can prove everything, and that is

Jerry is still alive

If Rick really thinks that Jerry is hopelessly mentally handicapped, then Jerry will never live now, even with Beth's stop.

Rick can modify beth's memory, (even if he can't, he can delete it (this has been proved in the eighth episode of the third season))

Then kill Jerry, even Morty, summer, for Rick, it's not difficult at all

Neither mentally nor physically difficult

But Rick didn't do it. Not once

Rick never just complained

If you watch carefully, Rick didn't even beat Jerry

Really not once.

It's never just verbal humiliation, just expressing your dissatisfaction.

If Jerry was really an idiot or a scumbag, Rick's character and ability would have killed him long ago.

Having said so much, just to prove a point

Jerry wasn't stupid, just did the stupidest thing - get beth pregnant prematurely

Then here comes the problem

Why is it that Jerry who is not stupid has Morty who is not stupid born to beth who is smart

The stupidest person in the universe?

This is totally unreasonable.

Combine that with Rick's slurred words.

can draw this conclusion

Morty's brainwaves do complement Rick's, but not because Morty is "stupid"

It's because Morty is "special", and that "special" is something Rick doesn't want to talk about

So, what exactly is "special" about Morty?

It looks like the problem is turning back

But the answer is already there

When the impossible is ruled out, what remains is the truth:

Morty is actually Rick's son

Don't laugh at this conclusion, look at the evidence

Morty's brainwaves can complement Rick's

Morty's parents are not stupid, but Morty has a learning disability

Morty's sister doesn't have a learning disability, but Morty does

Morty likes girls with red hair and Rick likes girls with red hair

Why does Morty have a learning disability, and brain waves can complement Rick's

Because Morty is the result of a consanguineous marriage

Morty has Rick's genes and beth's genes in his body, which makes him so special

As for inbreeding that affects brain waves and makes people look silly, you can refer to this

Philip J. Fry in "Future"


Flying out of the future is science fiction,

Rick and Morty are also sci-fi

Fry usually acts goofy

Morty also acted silly

Fry's brain waves are very special

Morty's brain waves are also very special

Futurama airs on the Adult Swim channel

Rick and Morty also air on the Adult Swim channel

Fry's brainwaves are specific to Fry's inbreeding behavior in "Roswell That Ends Well"

Morty's brain waves are special because...

Well, if you still don't believe it

Let me give some examples

1. Will Rick lose his humanity and become so mad that he has a relationship with his biological daughter?


2. How do you explain that Morty looks a lot like his father, Jerry.Smith, in appearance and personality?

Both can be answered with the same answer

It doesn't really matter whether Rick has humanity or not.

Even if he has, he can still have sex with beth

And the child born still has the genes of his real father, Jerry

Even if he goes to the hospital for a paternity test, Morty is definitely Jerry's son

So, how did Rick do it?

Like magic tricks, debunked tricks are too simple to be worth mentioning.

artificial insemination

Rick took some of Jerry's genes, and some of his own genes, and then through some sci-fi methods

It's easy to get beth pregnant, and it's really Jerry's baby

So, why did Rick do this?

In fact, according to the above thinking analysis, it is very tearful

because of everything

The reality Rick faces

Rick did this to protect beth, Jerry, summer

Rick abandoned his wife and children, not because Rick was cold-blooded

It's because Rick doesn't have the means to protect them...not yet

Rick is wanted by the Federation

RIck can be said to be a true sense, one person against the entire universe

How could he still have the energy to protect others?

In order not to implicate his family, Rick can only choose to be alone in the universe

Then, Beth got pregnant, and Rick somehow found out about it (don't ask me how, Rick is the smartest person in the universe)

He felt guilty because he knew that Beth was going to get pregnant at 17 because of Rick himself

Without the protection of his father, beth instinctively found a substitute for his emptiness, that is Jerry

That's why Rick is angry, but he doesn't kill or even hit Jerry

Because Jerry, in a way, is actually making up for Rick's fault

When Rick is honest, he doesn't actually hate Jerry

Rick is angry, remorseful, guilty, but helpless

He has to protect his daughter, but he can't

So he made a choice

He took some of Jerry's genes, mixed with his own, and Morty was born

A human invisibility shield

Since then, Rick can finally stay on the earth at ease, protect his daughter, and protect his important family

Not only does he need to accompany Beth, but more importantly, he also needs to protect Beth

It can be said that Morty was created by Rick as a shield,

To make up for Morty's sacrifice, he took him on various adventures, some of which Rick really needed.

The other part is to satisfy Morty.

But Rick can't say it, he can't say it

Rick's heart is complicated and lonely

If you say it, what will beth think, what will Jerry think, what will summer think, the most important thing is

What would Morty think?


Hmm... inbreeding seems to have a very small chance of giving birth to a genius, such as Einstein, Darwin, etc. What? Why am I saying this?

"Wubba lubba dub dub!"


I don't think you see it, but there's actually a continuum of evil Morty's actions

1. There was a massacre against Rick, killing 27

2. A Rick was framed, he was the most Rick's Rick [coincidence.1]

3. The person who framed him killed 27 people before he framed him, and only tampered with the teleporter when he framed him [coincidence.2]

4. This time frame failed, RickC-137 succeeded, temporarily succeeded

5. The failure of the frame is the tenth episode. The real identity of Morty, who is a federal agent, is a female high school student from the same school who met Rick's good friend Birdman. It was in the eleventh episode...a quick countermeasure [coincidence.3 ]

6. Because of the high school girl and Birdman's wedding, Rick was cheated (was it really because he was not careful?) [coincidence.4]

7. Rick was imprisoned in federal prison, and then escaped, causing Rick City to suffer a certain degree of destruction in the process, leaving everything to be done.

8. Rick City became a presidential system where anyone can run for president, even a Morty [coincidence.5]

(Ruicheng during the senate period, Morty can't do this)

9. A Morty became president [coincidence.6]

So, to sum it up, a Morty is going to be the president of Ruicheng, mastering the most powerful and destructive force in the entire multiverse, no one

What conditions are required?

1. Become the president of Ruicheng

2. It takes an election to become president

3. The election requires Ruicheng to be destroyed to a certain extent

4. A certain level of destruction requires a targeted escape

5. Prison escape requires a person who is hostile to both the Interstellar Federation and Ruicheng, but also has the ability to do it

6. This capable man needs a reason

7. The reason can be a wedding

8. This wedding can be achieved by a high school girl (preferably someone you know)

9. But I still need a Rick who is hostile to Ruicheng

10. Oh! I just need to frame the most Ricky Rick and let him be isolated by Ruicheng


But I still don't understand what the evil Morty is trying to do.

I still don't know anything about him.

But what I can understand is Rick, being the smartest man in the universe, what a terrible responsibility he has on his back, as

A man who doesn't care and can't care about anything, he created Morty in exchange for protecting his family, Rick Ben

Shouldn't be emotionally invested in Morty, because he knew that when he created him, Morty was a consumable, a

Perfect humanoid shield, but Rick still has feelings for Morty, it's his madness, it's his pain

More Rick, hidden in his heart, endless loneliness.

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Extended Reading

The Rickshank Rickdemption quotes

  • Summer Smith: I'll rescue Grandpa myself.

    Morty Smith: And how are you gonna do that?

    Summer Smith: I don't know yet. I'll make it up as I go. That's what Grandpa Rick does. That's what heroes do.

  • [repeated line]

    Rick Sanchez: I gotta take a shit. I'm gonna go take a shit.