Rick Sanchez:
[as Leader of the Citadel of Ricks]
Operating an unregistered portal gun, radicalizing a Summer, conspiring with a traitorous Rick. How do you plead?
Morty Smith:
How is this a fair trial? O-Our lawyer is a Morty.
[Lawyer Morty is goofing around]
Rick Sanchez:
[as Leader of the Citadel of Ricks]
It's not fair, you have no rights, and he's not a lawyer. We just keep him here because he's fun. Look at him go.
Morty Smith:
[as Lawyer Morty; mindlessly]
Ha ha! Yeah!
Rick Sanchez:
[as Leader of the Citadel of Ricks; to Summer and Morty]
We'll be lenient on you if you renounce your Rick. What say you, Summer?
Summer Smith:
I say fuck you! My grandpa was my hero. You killed him because you were jealous of him. That's pretty obvious from the haircuts. So do what you want to me, but let my brother go. He already renounced Rick.
Rick Sanchez:
[as Leader of the Citadel of Ricks]
Morty Smith:
[Morty is being bothered by Lawyer Morty]
What? N-No, I don't want to see your Pog collection.
[to the Leader of the Citadel of Ricks]
Morty Smith:
I don't renounce Rick, and I never have. I was just trying to protect my sister.
[to Summer]
Morty Smith:
I wanted you to have a normal life. That's something you can't have when Rick shows up. Everything real turns fake. Everything right is wrong. All you know is that you know nothing and he knows everything. And, well -- well, he's not a villain, Summer, but he shouldn't be your hero. He's more like a demon or a super fucked-up god.
Rick Sanchez:
[as Leader of the Citadel of Ricks]
Let's not suck the ghost of his dick too hard. He was a terrorist and now he's dead.
Morty Smith:
[now confident and angry]
Oh, yeah? If you think my Rick's dead, he's alive! And if you think you're safe, he's coming for you!