The girl Heluo who used to cry with burgundy hair

Garfield 2022-04-21 09:03:02

Last night, I lost sleep and had a nightmare. Tossing and turning in bed for three full hours, the feeling of sultry and humid summer made my heart palpitate. She had similar symptoms to me. I opened "Miryang" and watched it without hesitation. I knew it wouldn't work, but this method was told to me by the person who once dyed burgundy, painted his eyebrows, and often cried in front of me.

She said it was one of her favorite films of Dolan, and she said it many times. But I am obsessed with Quentin, but I am a little cold about Nolan. Today I watched this film with great excitement, it was the first time in my dog's life. In the lengthy two hours and forty minutes, I tried to use my self-righteous interpretation ability to perfectly analyze the film, the setting, the composition, the color, the lighting, the dialogue, the cut mirror, the mantra, the symbolic action , even if it is a tiny expression of the character, I want to capture it perfectly. So I didn't dare to fast forward a little bit, so I held down the → button with my left hand away from the fuck up. After more than two hours, I realized that I was really wrong, I didn't see anything the fuck except that I understood that Lawrence and the redhead girl were real love!

"I'm not targeting anyone, everyone here is rubbish!"
- From the beginning of Stephen Chow's "King of Destruction",

Lawrence came out of the fog and people on the street looked at all kinds of strange eyes, I was already thinking this sentence. I think this sentence has been emphasized by Dolan countless times, to the self-righteous, prejudiced perpetrators. Dolan's films have always been deeply personal and opinion-oriented. Paranoid, independent, free, self, sacrifice, angry, delicate, even with a little cuteness. The same is true of the girl Hailuo I know. She always tells me to be interesting, and that being boring is more terrifying than being dead. I nodded across the screen of my phone, thinking of the salted fish in Lin Yun's hand in "The Mermaid" with my head engraved on it.

When Lawrence's self-consciousness begins to awaken, the film begins to turn. The film does not explain the reason for Lawrence's transformation, but uses more ink to describe Lawrence's surroundings after transformation. I think that's what Dolan is thinking, there's not that much why, he's just that kind of guy in his bones, it's that simple. In fact, after watching the whole film, I don't have too much opinion on the character Lawrence. I really like the red-haired woman. She is desperate when she is enthusiastic, and enthusiastic when she is desperate. Sometimes I feel the same way when I sing to my phone screen when I have nothing to do. I don't know what the more veiled Dolan conveys to the audience in this film, all I know is watching the car, dancing in the bar, kissing casually regardless of other people's eyes is someone I know who has dyed burgundy hair girl longing for.

I didn't eat much tonight because I saw the shit I pulled out today turned out to be coke black. When I was upset, a girl named Hailuo sent me a picture of two dogs. I subconsciously felt that she was unhappy now or that life was boring again, and what I can do through the screen of my phone is really limited. , can only complain about the unfortunate holiday. In fact, my reasons for laying down the gun every time are very bizarre, but the strange thing is that I have always been able to accept it. It's like Fred Belair can still summon the courage to ask Lawrence to come to him after being splashed with water in the film. She always says I'm not the person she wants, but I'm thinking I can't change sex like Lawrence, I'd better dye my hair blue again and change my name to Emma. It's not realistic, maybe I'm boring, but you have to Admit that I work better than you.

I think you should be able to smile reluctantly when you see this.

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Extended Reading

Laurence Anyways quotes

  • Laurence Alia: So... will you still love me?

    Julienne Alia: Are you becoming a woman or an idiot?

  • [last lines]

    [English subtitled version]

    Laurence Alia: [showing her a metal pin] Excuse me, miss. This may sound a little stupid, but... the guys over there made this. If you take it, I'll get $20.

    Fred Bellair: [taking and looking at the pin] What is it? Some kind of cloud?

    Laurence Alia: [laughing under his breath] No, it's a butterfly. But the fact you think it's a cloud minimizes my pleasure.

    Fred Bellair: You just made twenty bucks.

    Laurence Alia: Okay, here's the deal. $10 for gas, and $10 to buy you a drink after wrap. Hm? Deal?

    Fred Bellair: [thinking about it for a few seconds before offering her hand to shake] Fred Bellair.

    Laurence Alia: [shaking her hand] Laurence Alia.

    Fred Bellair: Laurence who?

    Laurence Alia: Alia. But... it's Laurence, anyways.