We will end up in the same way

Kailyn 2022-04-20 09:02:15

I like this movie a lot myself. Dolan's tone is completely my dish. This is the young perspective, the new wave.

Close-ups, various shallow depths of field, gazing shots, surveillance, height approximations are used repeatedly throughout the film. I love this way of shooting, some slow motion surrealism, and the expression is spot on. Especially for some close-up shots, the slow motion processing is delicate and delicate. In particular, there is a photo of a black island on the dining table. The camera slowly advances and then stops here. The sky is slowly getting dark, and the camera is slowly zooming out.

Color is also a big deal. Composition color is very strict. Although there are many colors, it does not feel that the picture is complicated or dirty. The color scheme is very avant-garde, using lighting, clothing, accessories, scenography and even hair color and nail polish. Saturated and colorful, bright and fresh tones, the use of large color blocks and monochrome, pay attention to symmetrical closed composition.

Attention to detail, at the beginning of the film, Laurence is proctoring the students. He observed the gestures of every girl, especially the first shot of the girl pulling her hair and he later said that he felt like doing Fred's hair because it was very feminine at this time. He touched his head, too, with five paper clips pinned to his hand. When Laurence and Fred first met, he gave her a paperclip butterfly.

trendy clothes. I want to pick up another article to write about fashion. If Dolan switched careers as a costume designer, I'd take it all. It's really too fancy and too chic. Every outfit of Laurence is beautiful, retro is retro, trendy is trendy, and the colors are strong but not fancy at all. Even the costumes of some minor supporting roles are very particular and very artistic.

Soundtrack, this musical taste is not covered. Aesthetics are too important, and every song fits perfectly with the picture of the movie. Whether from the lyrics or the mood melody. ost is simply the lore, and my favorites the cure and duran duran :)

Interviews run throughout the film. At the beginning of the film, the interview is also the beginning, and then tells the story of his ten years. From the beginning of not being respected by reporters, to the end when reporters praised her as beautiful, she also smiled beautifully. Finally the interview is over and so is the movie.

By the way, the acting skills of the leading actors are very good and full of explosiveness. But I also like this actor quite a bit, and the small expressions and small eyes are all in place.

Laurence realizes that he should be a woman, he tells Fred. Fred's immediate reaction is a breakdown, but she immediately understands Laurence's situation.
She loved him, knew him, and didn't go away when Laurence needed her most. This is the highest state of love, inclusive and understanding even when I feel cheated and taken advantage of.

After Laurence hid in the girls' toilet and heard the girls gossip. He was frightened again, and Fred kept encouraging him by his side.
It gave him the courage to take this step.

The encouragement from students and colleagues gave him the courage to persevere. At this time, he began to be true to himself and show his true self.

The heart that got the support even ran to give the mother a gift. I hope she can start painting again and live for herself instead of taking her father as the center of her life, so that she can live a happier life.

Laurence has started to identify with herself as a woman, and she can fight with friends who don't identify with her. Laurence focused on herself while ignoring Fred's inner struggle, not realizing that Fred was about to leave her.

Laurence got fired from school and got into fights in bars. Fred cheated on her and left her. The glittering, lavish, surreal shots with Fred being the focal point of the prom shot are kind of cool.

Butterflies representing their love spit out of their mouths.

Where are you. what do you wear. What are you doing.
Five years have passed in a flash.
Laurence has long hair with a new girlfriend, and she finds Fred's home. Watching Fred and her kids play in the snow in front of their home, her girlfriend spotted her sneaking around the supermarket.

Fred received Laurence's new book.
When I was sad, it rained heavily in my heart, which is probably the case.

I love the way this mental activity is expressed. When I'm sad, I always want to do something to distract myself.
Fred pretended nothing happened and she went into the kitchen to make corn chowder.
Cooking and cooking, she remembered the poem in Laurence's book.
When I'm sad, I usually do laundry, hand-wash, and be very serious.

In fact, the story stops right here.
Maybe as a person watching, I understand more clearly that everything is different.
Can't go back either.

Black Island is beautiful and dreams are good.
Seeing his friend's miserable life and remembering that he still has a family and responsibilities, Fred understood.
What has been lost cannot be returned.

Ten years later, Laurence is standing on the balcony of her newly found apartment.
A little neighbor boy greeted her.

The little boy gave her a heart. She smiled contentedly.
Although she still likes women, it means that someone is willing to admit her true female identity.

Fred became a gentle and graceful woman with big brown wavy curls.
Brown: A frigid color.

We don't need to say goodbye because we will meet again.
Finally we will meet in the end.

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Extended Reading

Laurence Anyways quotes

  • Laurence Alia: So... will you still love me?

    Julienne Alia: Are you becoming a woman or an idiot?

  • [last lines]

    [English subtitled version]

    Laurence Alia: [showing her a metal pin] Excuse me, miss. This may sound a little stupid, but... the guys over there made this. If you take it, I'll get $20.

    Fred Bellair: [taking and looking at the pin] What is it? Some kind of cloud?

    Laurence Alia: [laughing under his breath] No, it's a butterfly. But the fact you think it's a cloud minimizes my pleasure.

    Fred Bellair: You just made twenty bucks.

    Laurence Alia: Okay, here's the deal. $10 for gas, and $10 to buy you a drink after wrap. Hm? Deal?

    Fred Bellair: [thinking about it for a few seconds before offering her hand to shake] Fred Bellair.

    Laurence Alia: [shaking her hand] Laurence Alia.

    Fred Bellair: Laurence who?

    Laurence Alia: Alia. But... it's Laurence, anyways.