Thousands of years ago, somebody came up with the notion of impermanence of the beauty and inevitablity of change. I'm pretty sure they had just been dumped. I had a long time to consider the value of memory. And the idea that just because something doesn't last forever doesn't mean its worth is diminished. Maybe it was just a rationalization. Easier on the soul than mourning what might have been. A life unlived. I honestly don't know. But I chose to believe in memory. I chose to believe in her. I chose to believe that the bond was never broken and we carried each other in our hearts. As a secret sigularity. She made me a writer. She made me a man. There would be other loves , even great loves.But she was right. Only one remained perfect.
“I think that there are two forces on Earth you never want to be fighting. One is Mother Nature. The other is Love.
It's not an ideal situation, but she adores my son. Now how can you be a sensible parent and not feel warmly towards someone who adores your child?”
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