stupid but cute

Rosalia 2022-04-19 09:02:39

He is not only an excellent actor, but also an excellent director. A motorcycle accident in 1994 left him half-faced paralyzed. With his respectable appearance, a role similar to that of the great friend in "The Wicked" is a perfect match, but he He was born as a comedian. Under the appearance of being taciturn and expressionless, he will burst into funny performances at any time, making you completely confused, but these are still not enough to sum up Takeshi Kitano, one of his most acclaimed films "Kiujiro". "Summer" also showed his warm side.

Kijiro is the name of Kitano Takeshi's father, and the direction of this movie can be imagined.

The gloomy Masao and the second-rate child, Kijiro, set foot on the road to Toyohashi together. The road was ridiculous. In order to catch a ride, Kikujiro made strange tricks and tried his best to do stupid things. He kept showing his low-quality side. When he arrived in Fengqiao, after seeing that Zheng Nan's mother had formed a new family and had another child, he thought of what had happened to him, and he felt sad. Soft feelings, he decided to make up a lie, although Zhengnan is not a fool, he also decided to do something to make Zhengnan happy. Kijiro, Mr. Good Man, Fat Guy, and Bald Guy made Masao's return journey full of laughter. They looked stupid, but they looked cute because they made the child laugh. In Masao's heart, this summer's experience is indelible. There was a strange light in his dark childhood. Kijiro is like an angel, an angel with a cold face but a warm heart. For Masao, Kijiro filled the vacancy of his father in his heart.

Kijiro first appeared in front of a few students who were smoking. His wife admonished them that if they didn't study well, they would become like him. Unexpectedly, Kijiro, who had been keeping his head down, raised his head and smiled and compared a pair of scissors. hand. This scene defines both sides of Kijiro, not a nice guy, but can also be cute.

Handing Zhengnan into his hands, his unreliability was immediately exposed, he lost all his money on bicycle gambling, wanted to "prostitute" in the hotel, robbed taxis, threatened the hotel front desk, smashed the glass of the truck, and fought with the driver. Kidnapping, doing its own way, is simply a complete social scum. Such people also have a warm side, just like beasts also have a tame side, and King Kong also understands love. The overall presentation feels dull, without too many words and slapsticks, but it can inadvertently make you stunned and laugh out loud. When the soundtrack of Joe Hisaishi's "Summer" sounds, you can feel comfortable in your heart and feel good about your childhood. Nostalgia rose up. Therefore, Kijiro's badness can be downplayed, making people feel that it is not too serious, not bad to the core, just a childish temperament and unruly on the surface, which can be forgiven.

Takeshi Kitano is really an oddball, and that's one of the reasons he's loved. There are several places in the film that depict Zheng Nan's dreams, which are related to what Zheng Nan has seen and heard. Although it is strange, it is very convincing. Kikujiro, who won the grand prize, flew over with a skewer in his hand, looking up through the wine glass and the bottom of the wine glass (there is also a rotating lens that mirrors the metal shell of a car tire as a mirror and a lens that simulates the compound eyes of a dragonfly). The girl's question is superimposed on the ringing of the casino's bell, which is the first dream; the second dream is after experiencing the perverted old man and seeing the tattoo on Kijiro's back. Clothes, with a ferocious face, Masao was tied to the stump by an iron chain, and his mother standing beside him shed tears; during the festival, Masao was waiting for Kijiro, and two people told him that there would be monsters, and then Masao turned them into monsters In the dream, the monsters danced in the shrill animal sounds. In the processing of the picture, there were superimposed actions, and the monsters appeared double images; The old man changed his strange clothes and postures, full of endless joy.

In Kitano Takeshi's eyes, childhood should be joyful, and a child's dream should be a strange world full of imagination.

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Kikujiro quotes

  • Masao: By the way, Mister, what is your name?

    Kikujiro: It's Kikujiro, dammit.

  • [after trying out several unkind methods to get a ride with someone, Masao and Kikujiro finally succeeds]

    Masao: You see? Asking politely is easier.

    Kikujiro: [chuckles] Shut up, smart-ass.