Only for the last sincere tears

Krystal 2022-04-20 09:02:52

The most attractive thing at the beginning of the film is the gloomy weather in England, as well as the solemn castles and lush black forests printed in this gloomy weather. I can't tell which era it was from, the time before World War II. Women's delicate makeup and unsmiling, arrogant eyes are always so charming. Such an elegant and decisive woman, Miss.G, taught a group of children at the girls' school. She is the mother of the children and their idol. The children obeyed her, and she enjoyed being adored by them. The arrival of a poor Spanish noble lady, Fiama, broke the logic of all this. Her arrogance made G want to stop her, and all this made the little girls hold grudges. They hated her for taking G from them. The attention of them, they oppose her everywhere, they make fun of her everywhere. But children are children after all, how much hatred can be between children? The sharing of a bottle of perfume, the girls' midnight party, the better they are back. But G's affection for Fiama is not just love. She loves her, she molested her when she was drunk... All this was seen by Di, who admired G the most among the girls. Her feelings for G, and G's words made her think that Fiama had seduced their Miss G. They chased her in the jungle, they beat her, all just to teach her a lesson. But her asthma attacked, the girls panicked, and the girls went to the teacher. Di found the asthma bag and Miss G said she would take good care of her. But when the girls called for the teacher, Di saw that Fiama was dead, and G just watched her die for the sake of fame.
The girls are just jealous of G's love for Fiama. They are still children and don't have so much worldly prejudice in their eyes, but they don't understand why G loves Fiama so much but wants to kill her. The children are sad, and Miss G is no longer their idol. They despise Miss G. But when Di told all this to the headmistress, the headmistress only gave Miss.G a vacation for a while considering the reputation of the school. In contrast, what does a life mean to Britain in the early 20th century, where folk customs were conservative. Di walks away with guilt, responsibility, and a heart free from bondage, and she travels the world with Fiama's dream.
Miss G once said that she traveled by ferry or something, but she was nervous even going to the store to buy bread. Thinking about it, everything before was just a lie to make the girls worship her more. How absurd, how ridiculous, how vicious, how pathetic. Miss G is sad. Maybe she has suffered unfair treatment from men before, which caused her personality distortion, and the totally closed and oppressive education in the girls' school made her and everyone unable to express their emotions, and the beautiful things gradually disappeared. , the sick things are more and more, more and more serious.
Now this era gives more and more understanding of human nature. No matter what we love, we should be able to face up to our hearts and love them proudly.

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Cracks quotes

  • Poppy: I met a traveller from an antique land Who said: 'Two vast and trunkless legs of stone Stand in the desert. Near them, on the sand, Half sunk, a shattered visage lies, whose frown, And wrinkled lip, and sneer of cold command, Tell that its sculptor well those passions read Which yet survive, stamped on these lifeless things, The hand that mocked them and the heart that fed. And on the pedestal these words appear, "My name is Ozymandias, king of kings: Look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair!" Nothing beside remains. Round the decay Of that colossal wreck, boundless and bare The lone and level sands stretch far away.'

  • Di: She's obviously never read Treasure Island, she has no idea what you're on about.

    Poppy: Ooh-ahr, it weren't me and you can't prove a thing.

    Poppy: Ooh-ahr, mind me peg leg and me parrot.