take notes

Rosalee 2022-09-13 22:24:46

- Is beauty created by artists? Is beauty a product of labor? - Beauty existed before artists were born.

- Creating beauty is spiritual act? - Beauty belongs to the senses.

How to use the lens to highlight the beauty of a character? A shot sweeps across the faces of other mediocre people and then settles on the beautiful. Clothing that contrasts with the color of "mortal" clothing, such as wearing bright colors

Chastity is the gift of purity, not the painful result of old age.

Genius is a divine torture, evil is the food of Genius.

Should art assume educational significance? The interpretation of art is ambiguous.

- What's at the bottom of the mainstream - Mediocrity. After the barber finished dressing the composer, he said to him: Now you can fall in love anytime.

Some small comments:

Aristocratic playwrights represent the beauty of a sense of order, the beauty of control.

When he saw the boy as beautiful as a Greek sculpture, he experienced a kind of spontaneous beauty, not artificial.

This kind of beauty can calm anger and calm him; it can also disturb his mind and make him unbearable.

This kind of beauty is beyond his possession, even if it is destroyed, he is helpless.

It was like the intrusion of a witty street band, completely disrupting the sense of order among the nobles.

Awareness of the existence of this beauty is devastating and fatal to the composer.

The composer is not only old, he is rotten to the core.

When he learned that the plague was ravaging Venice, he subconsciously wanted to protect that beauty.

This is probably love.

I think in the end he didn't die for beauty, it was the artificially whitewashed, aging self that pursued absolute order.

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Extended Reading

Death in Venice quotes

  • Travel Agent: You would be very well advised to leave today, sir. Don't wait til tomorrow.

  • Gustav von Aschenbach: Madame, will you permit an entire stranger, to serve you with a word of advice and warning, which self-interests prevents others from saying. Go away! Go away, immediately. Don't delay. Please, I beg you.