Love to the extreme, all I can say is, I love you

Dusty 2022-11-17 10:07:03

You must never smile like that.

You must never smile like that at anyone.

I love you.

After watching Soul Break Venice alone at midnight, I was filled with emotion, but I could only remember the above three monologues of the protagonist. I love to the extreme, I can't say anything else, I can only say one sentence, I love you.

I just heard the name of this film before, but I haven't seen it. This time I was reviewing the third episode of the Japanese drama Life Delete Office (I want to name it The Rose of Watchmen), and the more I watched it, the more beautiful the background music became. , I found out that it turned out to be the fourth movement of Mahler's Fifth Symphony, which naturally corresponds to Soulbreak Venice, two stories about love and watch.

In the rose of watch, Mr. Urata originally monitored Ms. Jiang Jiao year after year for the mission of the organization, but in this year after year of watch, the original surveillance has become a companion, and the two lonely souls are dependent on each other. . Because of this rare warmth, he even silently helped her hide the secret about her ex-boyfriend's escape, and acquiesced to her decades of infatuation with providing living expenses to the fugitives. On the day when the organization terminated the mission, the meaning of Mr. Urata's life seemed to disappear overnight. The last time he had his hair straightened with Ms. Jiang Jiao, he jumped into the vast sea with a smile.

This is a desperate and deep unrequited love that lasted 28 years. At the last moment of Mr. Urata's life, he left a record of monitoring over the years and a bouquet of roses, asking the male protagonist to help Ms. Jiang Jiao. The number of roses sent at the end was five, in Japanese culture, it represents "meeting you, heartfelt joy".

This is so similar to Soulbroken Venice, and even this episode, from the plot, the camera to the background music, is a tribute to Soulbroken Venice. The same hopeless love, the same desperate ending, the same joy of meeting.

A lot of people think of Soulbreak Venice simply and rudely as homosexuality, but I don't think so. In the story, the composer Asenbach, who suffered from the loss of his wife and daughter, had a love affair with the opposite sex, and the fundamental reason for his vacation in Venice was the unbearable pressure of work and the pain of losing his beloved in his heart. At the lowest moment of his life, the appearance of the young Tacchio was like a ray of light, illuminating the heart of the composer who had been dying.

I used to think that I was dead, but the moment I met you, the heartbeat that beat a beat told me that I was still alive and could love again.

A composer who has been abiding by the paradigm for decades, a composer who has strict control over his music and his life, from the moment he saw Tacchio, his life gradually spiraled out of control. He was like a young man who had just tasted love for the first time. He only pursued Tacchio in the crowd; he silently chose to sit in the position closest to their family during the meal, and calmly removed the table that obstructed his vision. Vase; he didn't even care about his status, he just followed Tacchio silently, watching him joke with others and follow him through the streets of the city.

The young man never knew all this, and every time he looked back and smiled, he was probably just curious about this uncle who was watching him silently.

But Asenbach was immersed in the beauty of the young man's mouth.

You must never smile like that.

You must never smile like that at anyone.

I love you.

After another pass, Asenbach muttered to himself as he sat alone on the bench.

I love you. Cute is the hand that wants to touch and then retract.

When he happens to see Tacchio being kissed by another boy, and realizes the jealousy and possessiveness surging inside him, he leaves Lido almost as if to flee. Perhaps it was fate, because the box was accidentally sent to the wrong place, and Asenbach had to return to the hotel for vacation. On the steamboat on the return journey, Asenbach was smoking a cigarette against the wind, and the smile on the corner of his mouth was so bright that it was impossible to ignore.

Let me take another look at you, for which I am willing to give everything I have.

But the plague spread and panic engulfed Venice, and the city government blocked the news for fear of affecting Venice's tourism industry. The kind bank clerk told Asenbach the real situation, and also persuaded him to leave today. Why didn't he want to leave, he wanted to walk up to the boy and tell him and his family to leave here quickly. In fantasy, he stretched out his hand and stroked the boy's blond hair with restraint and restraint, that was the closest distance between them in a lifetime.

The time to leave has come. The aging composer, with the help of a beautician, dyed his hair black, used foundation to cover up wrinkles on his face, and even put on an anachronistic lipstick. He wanted to recall his youth, maybe he felt that if he was still young, he might have a chance to love again. He still followed Tacchio silently, following him through Venice, which was dead silence, until the next morning, with the help of a waiter, following him to an almost deserted beach, his eyes following him alone into the boundless sea. But he was still unable to speak his name.

Tacchio's figure turned into a silhouette in the morning light, the beautiful boy raised his left hand on the sea, and the aged composer also raised his left hand with the last strength of his body.

The inferior black hair dye dripped from his forehead, and he finally lowered his head heavily.

Asenbach, a rigorous composer all his life, because of this hopeless love, he died in Venice, a city famous for its romance.

In fact, I also feel that it is not appropriate to call the composer's fascination with teenagers pure love. In my heart, it is more of an artist's eternal love and pursuit of life and beauty. The whole film runs through the fourth movement of Mahler's Fifth Symphony, telling stories about "love" and "death".

How beautiful can a young man be. Words cannot describe it.

The kind of beauty that transcends gender, the kind of beauty that captivates the composer, the kind of beauty that makes Berg Anderson the most beautiful boy in the world. To describe in any language is afraid of tarnishing his beauty.

The moment Tacchio looked back, time seemed to stand still.

The moment he saw Tacchio, the composer remembered the hourglass he saw in his father's room when he was a boy. When the sand was slowly flowing down, you looked at its surface and thought that nothing happened until the sand was exhausted. You just found out that many things have already undergone earth-shaking changes. Like death, like love.

Comparatively speaking, the rose of the watch is much warmer, and Ms. Jiang Jiao who survived is happy. At the last moment, she felt Mr. Urata's deep love, even a little bit, it is enough to recall a lifetime.

And Soul Break in Venice, from beginning to end, is a one-man show by the composer alone.

But so what? In this world, there are always people who love pure life and beauty, and are even willing to spend their whole lives for it. The flowers of true love, in the city of despair where the plague is spreading, can still thrive until they bloom.

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Extended Reading

Death in Venice quotes

  • Travel Agent: You would be very well advised to leave today, sir. Don't wait til tomorrow.

  • Gustav von Aschenbach: Madame, will you permit an entire stranger, to serve you with a word of advice and warning, which self-interests prevents others from saying. Go away! Go away, immediately. Don't delay. Please, I beg you.