perfect beauty and youth

Theo 2022-12-16 22:38:00

Slow and heavy movement of the mirror, chasing sight everywhere. A film with almost no narrative, but it expresses all kinds of feelings of despair, sorrow, depression, and longing to the extreme. The tag of this movie is actually the same sex, which is a bit blasphemous. Aschenbach has been staring at Tadzio from a distance, without real physical contact, not even a word. It wasn't Tadzio himself that he was after. The beautiful teenager is the embodiment of perfection here and now, youth, and everything that is unattainable. In the art world, there are often themes of old and tired protagonists pursuing youth. I think of Kawabata Yasunari's "Sleeping Beauty" and Philip Roth's "The Dying Flesh". Come to think of it, the beautiful young and young girls in the story who are worshipped and chased by the elderly are symbols of love and beauty, and are synonymous with never regaining youth. In addition, Tadzio is really beautiful, like a Greek sculpture, very beautiful and divine. Reminds me of a passage in Mu Xin's "On Beauty": "Beauty is an expression. Other expressions wait for reaction, such as sorrow waiting for pity, majesty waiting for convincing, funny waiting for laughter. I am involuntarily attracted by the thought of a specific response obligation, but I am actually moved. In fact, the expression of beauty means love.”

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Death in Venice quotes

  • Travel Agent: You would be very well advised to leave today, sir. Don't wait til tomorrow.

  • Gustav von Aschenbach: Madame, will you permit an entire stranger, to serve you with a word of advice and warning, which self-interests prevents others from saying. Go away! Go away, immediately. Don't delay. Please, I beg you.