Would you love such a person?

Freddy 2022-04-19 09:02:41

If there's a man, he's handsome, with deep, melancholy eyes; he works to the extreme and is the owner of a highly rated restaurant; he has a taste for vintage films and talks about music. He came to pursue you, even though the routine he used was very vulgar and the way he approached you was naive, can you not be tempted?

He also has flaws, fear of intimacy, and occasional rudeness to family members. But you think this is also acceptable, because if he is willing to develop with you, his familiarity will also change. Sometimes you feel that these can also be transformed into advantages, with a slightly lonely and vulnerable temperament.

The most unfortunate thing is that he has a black history, prostitutes/plays NP, and even developed a revolutionary friendship with sex workers. Some people say that he is not married again, so what's the matter? It's okay to stand on the moral level, but if AIDS or venereal disease comes to you, your whole body will fight against the disease. When your money is gone and there is no one around you who loves you, you will know what ultimate regret is. .

Alper doesn't deserve Ada in any way. Ada is very beautiful, she has sexy curly hair, big and cute eyes, and a good figure; she is very gentle, when Alper is quarreling with his family, she keeps making topics around to break the embarrassment, and she also knows how to guide Alper to enjoy life ; She knows what she wants, and after working in the film industry for two years, she chose to open her own store to realize her children's heroic dream; she likes thinking, reading books, and collecting stories from second-hand books. Such a lovely girl, no matter whether she is married/equal or high, her other half will feel very happy and life will be enjoyable.

In the inner monologue of the last two people in the movie, both of them have regrets, but they also know that it is impossible to go further. A hug goodbye is the best ending. If Miss Ada knew about Alper's dark history, she would not miss it. As for Alper, he had better not harm anyone.

Discuss a little something outside of the movie. People make mistakes more or less, and some mistakes make people think that they are mistakes you made when you were young, and you can ignore them. And some mistakes are black history, they will flash through your brain when you think about whether there is any stain in your past life, and when you finally meet the goddess/male gods you like, you will feel unworthy. You would think, if only this hadn't happened. But it's like a stamp that stays with you for the rest of your life.

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Alone quotes

  • Sinem: Ada, have you fallen in love?

    Ada: - Don't be ridiculous.

    Sinem: - You have.

    Ada: Look, I said no, didn't I? Are you off your head?

    Sinem: Well, what else would you say?

  • Ada: Will you look at me?

    Alper: I am.

    Ada: No. Look properly. Feel my hand... Feel that I'm touching you.

    Ada: Right on your forehead are the lines of my hand...

    Ada: Can you feel them? Open your eyes... Look at me. What can you see?

    Alper: You.

    Ada: Yes... But you ought to see a load of things along with me.

    Alper: How do you mean?

    Ada: My face should change. It should become everything you love... Otherwise it's a no-no...

    Ada: Keep looking... I should be more than just me now... When you look at me it's like you should capture a moment from your own life.

    Ada: There should be a story... That moment, I should be everyone you love... And everything...

    Ada: Hold my hand. Can you tell which is your hand now? They should become mixed up.

    Ada: You should mix them up. I should become you, and you me... You should get confused...

    Ada: As though you re making love to yourself...

    Alper: - Ada... This is so beautiful...

    Ada: - Yes...

    Alper: Ada... My love...

    Ada: Shhh...

    Alper: Ada... I love you...

    Ada: I know.

    Alper: Ada... Ada...

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