A brief introduction to the film

Durward 2022-04-20 09:02:52

The pace of development of Goryeo films in recent years has become more and more familiar and steady. Among them, the reasons why the filmmakers of the chicken country are envious and praised will not be repeated. Thanks to the superior censorship system and the unique national tragedy of the Goryeo people, as well as the sense of responsibility that insists on interrogating the dark side of society, it has become a The strong support of its film industry thriving.

The plot of "Yellow" unabashedly introduces the current social problems in South Korean society due to the illegal immigration of the neighboring Koreans as an entry point, takes the encounters of the little people as the main line of the story, and recreates the technical skills of Hollywood films. Harmonious integration with the localized language is achieved. When the protagonist landed in Seoul from the disgraced urban area of ​​Yanbian, the inherent limitations of the Korean-style perspective were exposed one by one, and the flaws in the screenwriter's level and the director's control were revealed.

As a low-level figure struggling on the streets of the city, how did the taxi driver complete the evolution from a layman to a highly professional killer when he accepted an assassination mission? The description of the three steppings basically shakes off the burden: the first time the protagonist misses the assassination target due to the cold and hunger, the second and third steppings gradually take place a qualitative leap, through the accidental encounter with the assassination target, and the use of the most primitive means Completed reconnaissance and planning for operational missions. Here, regardless of the first half of the film, there is absolutely no testable information and photos of the assassination target in the mission briefing, and the protagonist has not planned the choice of the retreat route more professionally, so the mission lacking intelligence support and preparations is estimated to be even more difficult. CIA top killer is also difficult to implement, not to mention the ability of a brave driver who is only good at street melee? Although the screenwriter of this play is not rigorous enough, it is reasonable to make up for the rhythm of the film and the skills of the actors, and the tension and appreciation created for the audience are still very strong.

When the escape plot begins, the film slides unmistakably into Eastwood and John Wayne-era Westerns—and a mix of blood plasma, Arnold Schwarzenegger and Terminator-esque slaying. The tone of the whole tragic and heroic film changed rapidly and became a frustrating drama. In order to excessively create tension and richness in the film, the multiple characters and event clues buried in the film make the audience pretend to start thinking about the hierarchical relationship. The Korean underworld businessman, the Yanbian Koryo gang snakehead and the hidden chaotic little people appear one after another, which is seriously compressed. The narrative part of the film is destroyed, and the rhythm of the film is destroyed: the clues that could have been taken in one stroke have to be written in a single stroke, but the writing is wasted in a hurry; Whether or not there is a bed scene, it must be explained clearly, and even unnecessary dew points are explained in a straightforward manner. Whether the director wants to introduce a beautiful and acting beauty or let the audience test the maturity and development of the Korean cosmetic industry! ? As for the tacit agreement reached in the underworld negotiation, it is even more pitiful. I feel that China and South Korea have negotiated a failed business with the aim of completely destroying each other. Isn't the excitement of killing people and breaking out of the encirclement not enough! ? Whether underworld or businessman, the goals pursued are efficiency and interests, and the art of balance is the key, rather than bravery. At this point, the Hong Kong underworld-themed movie completely beats this film; the brutal killing between the gangs is even more predatory, Chopping, stabbing, you can't die. The rhythm of taking the head of an admiral among millions of troops even made the liquid metal man tremble; The traces of killing are obvious; and the feeling of powerlessness that I couldn't hold at the end when I had to spread the scene of looking for a daughter-in-law at the beginning. . . . . . The length and fragmentation of the second half of the film reminds me of when my buddy wrote a limited-word diary in middle school: he racked his brains in his diary and wrote about any enough nonsense he could think of. The process to the end of the article until the dish is finally served. At this time, this gentleman suddenly found that after writing so much, the number of words in the diary still did not meet the requirements at all, so he bit the bullet and added "Hey, the taste of the dish is not right, so I forgot to put garlic, so the first The next day, I put garlic while cooking and I finally cooked this dish." In this sloppy RIFF session, he finally got enough words and handed in the homework happily. . . The director must be in a similar mood in the two hours and twenty minutes of configuration editing: so many characterizations and materials, the actors sell so much I don't know how many parts of the car were hit, and the blood was used up, but which part should be cut off? . . ?

In the end, the tragic ending is accompanied by sad music, and the story also ends without any suspense, which regrettably reproduces the usual "fifteen minutes of the opening is very good, and the middle is very good. At the end, Ultraman saves the world or "Ultraman was killed", the friends unanimously expressed that they were still very, very weak.

In any case, the Korean film industry has been able to make such a breakthrough in the narrow vision that has always hindered the development of its nation and country, and rapidly shape the industry and occupy the market in film technology and business operations, which is enough to win the reference and respect of peers and audiences. In Hollywood's film industry chain, the most important link is always the excellent screenwriter, and the cooperation of other processes is based on this. The impetuousness of over-commercialization and the subtle changes in American society cannot be avoided, but they are no longer within the scope of this film review. If Goryeo films are to achieve leapfrog development and changes, the threshold of the artistic level of script and the comprehensive ability of directors must be broken through. Otherwise, no matter how well the Hollywood revival model is learned and promoted, it will only remain on the surface; The dark and corrupt face of various social subsystems, this time-tested panacea, will eventually slip into a gimmick of commercial operation, and become a yellow flower that blooms and withers quickly in the fast world of high information and entertainment.

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