Appreciate this sci-fi movie as a fable of reality

Dustin 2022-12-10 06:36:22

Borges once interpreted the Gospel as a man who claimed to be God was abandoned by his God. In the same way, I think this movie can be interpreted as an allegory about sexual jealousy.

The object of jealousy is a young woman who has just entered her youth. As the so-called Women's Big Eighteen Transformation, she has transformed from a shameless girl into an unusually shining superstar in social circles. She eagerly wants to enjoy the fruits of youth and follow the rhythm of eros and lust. One man after another fell under her pomegranate skirt, but in the end he was sad and miserable. Her past lovers declared that their hearts were dead. Who can blame her? She is the queen of the country of youth, and she steps on the flattery and praise of suitors.

On the other side, a group of small social groups that have passed their prime are on the sidelines. They are either facing a severe career crisis, or entering the middle-aged body to find happiness and charm, or they are obsessed with books and stay away from the crowd and never enjoy love. They are jealous, they slander, they maliciously speculate about the ugly face under the mask of this beautiful woman. They spent energy investigating her love history and spread rumors to discredit her. Soon after, the young woman had to retire from social circles.

The small group celebrated. I didn't want this young woman to break into them, stay with one of the nerds, and dump him shortly afterwards. This nerd had never enjoyed love before, let alone experienced such setbacks, so he was heartbroken. As a result, the small group started another round of counterattacks.

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Species quotes

  • Dan Smithson, Empath: Fitch, Fitch it doesn't feel right.

  • Dr. Laura Baker: Do you have a girlfriend in New York?

    Preston Lennox: Oh, I guess I've had a few; but, they don't hang around very long. I guess I keep too many secrets.

    Dr. Laura Baker: Do you wanna share one with me?