wash eyes

Elyse 2022-04-19 09:03:13

I can't help but wash my eyes! In the film, the heroine has to report to the police every week after she is released from prison. It is really heart-wrenching. He eloquently narrates how he yearns for a river, but finally commits suicide with a gun. The heroine Juliet sees To another person in purgatory... What a good movie! The director is a novelist, this is his first film (just released in June 2009), I am very surprised! Because I read the novel "Gray Soul" written by him a long time ago, the relationship between everyone in the film is really like a well-structured novel, and then slowly the heroine changes from the tight relationship Knocked out a stone and a line... It's really touching~~

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Extended Reading

I've Loved You So Long quotes

  • Léa: We were there! Didn't we matter?

    Juliette Fontaine: Do you think others matter then - that one cares what they think or do? You were all well and alive! You belonged to the kind one comes to hate for the mere fact that they are there.

  • Juliette Fontaine: Je suis la, je suis la, je suis la...