Tony Leung's ass is so pretty

Elyse 2022-04-22 07:01:45

It's been a long time since I watched a movie so patiently! ! ! ! As long as you are watching it on your computer, you will fast-forward where you are bored. . But this movie is really worth watching! ! I like the first meeting between Leung Ka Fai and the girl, Leung is really young and shy~~! ! ! At first I thought it was a movie about a rich kid hooking up with an ignorant girl. I should be familiar with this kind of conversation, but it turned out to be beyond my expectations. When I said the first sentence, the hand holding the cigarette case was still shaking! ! ! . . . Like his embarrassed expression, like his efforts to find a topic. Although he doesn't look young, he has performed the feeling of a boy's first love! ! ! When he was in the car, Liang gently used his little finger to test the girl, and matched it with a nervous expression, Nima! ! Their fingers are so clean and their nails are in good shape! But I really can't understand why the two can't be together. Liang is the only child, insisting on marrying a white man, the obstacle should not be too big. Is it really weak? Why do the girl's family look down on Chinese people so much? Just because I'm white? If it is a Vietnamese girl, she should be very happy to marry a Chinese. Racial discrimination! ! ! ! Why does the girl bring her family to see Liang? Does she want to tell her family that she and Liang are not boyfriend and girlfriend? So deliberately ignoring Liang in front of them? ? I always felt that Liang shouldn't be able to accept this kind of treatment, thinking that they would have a cold war after that meeting. . . Why didn't it seem like it happened again? ? Solve it~~ In addition, Tony Leung's ass! ! ! ! ! drooling~~~

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Extended Reading

The Lover quotes

  • [first lines]

    Narrator: Very early in my life, it was too late. At eighteen it was already too late. At eighteen I aged. This aging was brutal. This aging, I saw it spread over my features, one by one. Instead of being frightened by it, I saw this aging of my face with the same sort of interest I might have taken for example in the reading of a book. That new face I kept it. It's kept the same contours, but its matter is destroyed. I have a destroyed face. Let me tell you again: I'm fifteen and a half. It's the crossing of a ferry on the Mekong.

  • [last lines]

    Narrator: Years after the war, after the marriages, the children, the divorces, the books, he had come to Paris with his wife. He had phoned her. He was intimidated; his voice trembled, and with the trembling it had found the accent of China again. He knew she'd begun writing books. He had also heard about the younger brother's death. He had been sad for her. And then he had no more to tell her. And then he told her - he had told her that it was as before, that he still loved her, that he would never stop loving her, that he would love her until his death.