I just want to live like this!

Donnell 2022-10-04 18:14:09

I recently read this book and the American TV series of the same name, and I can't help but sigh.

It is said that Francis, who is not beautiful and is over fifty years old, has no film to shoot. After reading this book, he immediately decided to act. As Cohen's wife and a queen-level figure, it is not credible to say that Francis has no resources, but when reading a book, the Oliver in my mind is Francis' vivid and stinky face, it is estimated that She also saw herself coming from the opposite side of the book when she read the book, so vivid that she deserved the Emmy Award.

Both books and TV are good-looking, and they complement each other to the same extent as "Besieged City", "A Dream of Red Mansions" in the 83rd edition, "Game of Thrones" and so on. The characters, scenes and amorous feelings in the play satisfy all my imagination when I read the book, and vividly embody the essence of the original work.

Realist work, Olive and Henry, and their neighbors live in a rustic town on the east coast of the United States. Every family has secret joys and pains. Olive's rough appearance cannot hide her sensitivity and sharpness, her temper is uncertain, and her anger and meanness cut people around her at times, and her kindness and frankness are also unintentional. Bring a shimmering light to those around you. I have never been sorry. I spoke ill of my family. I only showed the gentleness of my wife after my husband had a stroke. I love my son, but I don’t treat my son well. Howling is moving. Faced with such a mother-in-law, it is no wonder that Henry turned his head and fell in love with his sweet little fool colleague. Everything was the opposite of Olive. However, even if they both loved others, they were both traditional and restrained. While suppressing their feelings, they knew that losing each other would be like amputation. Leave another person to suffer in this world, even if he is as strong as Olive, as Francis.

The novel revolves around the Kitteridge couple, and also tells the stories of the people around them. The brush strokes stop at the first taste, like Eileen Chang's famous saying: Life is a gorgeous robe full of lice. Who is not? Ren Xianyi is angry and young and beautiful, but his bones are always pale and there is no trace. The TV series slashed away the characters that didn't matter, and only focused on the Olive family, revealing the pain and joy of intimacy.

"The world is frustrating to me, but I don't want to leave it yet."

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