Final Fantasy: Sword of Kings short review

Monroe 2022-04-22 07:01:47

"Final Fantasy: Sword of Kings": In most of the game settings, there are established fatalism, an insurmountable class, an indescribable origin, follow the mission to live and follow the mission to die, but in the struggler, free will Awakening is often accompanied by the disappearance of important things, such as the most important people. They know it's useless, but they are still brave, struggling to imagine the possibility of the future is better than accepting the same settings? However, isn't reality an augmented reality version of the game's settings, right is magic, struggle is effort, projected on the screen, turned into a chapter, and a chapter of resistance against the will with no ending. —— Feng Guyi

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Kingsglaive: Final Fantasy XV quotes

  • Libertus Ostium: What a life, huh? She was brought up an orphan. Run out of her village. I still remember the first time I saw her. Scrawny little thing, all covered in dirt. Not a friend in the world. But those eyes... Damn. There was something about those eyes. She deserved better. And I would've done anything to give it to...

    Nyx Ulric: Libertus, wait. Crowe died a glaive. You can still honor her by fighting as one.

    Libertus Ostium: You're dumber than me sometimes, you know that? Don't you get it? Lucis killed Crowe. Go back to the castle! Tell the king there's no peace to be had from throwing the weak to the wolves. See you around, hero!

  • Lunafreya Nox Fleuret: Hello. I'm afraid we were never properly introduced yesterday.

    Nyx Ulric: I'm afraid it's going to wait, your highness. I'm on guard duty.

    Lunafreya Nox Fleuret: Then surely there's no safer place for me to be. May I ask your name?

    Nyx Ulric: Uh, Nyx. Nyx Ulric.

    Lunafreya Nox Fleuret: There is something else I wish to ask you, Nyx Ulric. King Regis said he sent one of your order to come find me. I should like to offer my thanks in person. Where might I find this brave soldier? Oh. Oh, I did not - I am so sorry.

    Nyx Ulric: Don't be. Here. She was carrying this. It was meant for you.

    Lunafreya Nox Fleuret: For me?

    Nyx Ulric: Keep it. She would've wanted you to have it.

    Lunafreya Nox Fleuret: I will carry it with me always.