Don't miss out on this hard-core masterpiece by patronizing "Blade of Ghost Slayer"

Timmy 2022-11-21 08:34:54

"The Battle of the Ice Sea" is also called "The Record of Pirates". When it came out, the name was "The Battle of the Pirates". It may be that a certain bureau felt that the word pirate was not suitable for the name, so the pirate was replaced by the sea of ​​ice.

Like "One Piece", now called "One Piece".

Fan drama aired three episodes in one week in the first week. I was wondering why three episodes were arranged at the beginning, and I learned later that it was because of the Wimbledon Championships, and the broadcast would be suspended for the next two weeks.

I have to say, and this approach is very wise.

When it only started airing in July, my first impression of the first ten seconds of the drama was that it definitely cost a lot of money, and it was worth watching.

The pictures shown in the fan drama directly tell me that they are not short of money and rich.

After a check, it turned out to be the production of "Attack on Titan" WIT STUDIO.

"Frozen" was inspired by the story of the explorer Torfin Kersefny read by Yukimura, which is the true prototype of the protagonist Torfin.

It is said that this man was 500 years ahead of Columbus and achieved the feat of crossing the Atlantic Ocean, reaching the Americas, where he also set up a stronghold for logging.

Torfin's father, Thors, was fictionalized by Makoto Yukimura.

Although it is fictional, I like Thors' portrayal very much. Except for Thors' stalwart image, Thors is the real man in my heart.

A man called a ghost of war suddenly understood life on the battlefield, got tired of war, became a deserter and lived an ordinary life.

Thors said to Torfin: "A true warrior doesn't need a sword", but it was difficult for Torfin at the time to understand.

It's like saying to some people, "Real rich people don't need money", which is hard to understand.

The real rich people have a head that can make money and can make money anytime, anywhere.

If I give you 10 million, you don't have a brain that can make money, and this 10 million will be spent by you sooner or later.

It may be easier to understand Thorz's words from another angle.

In the first episode, young Tolfen and his companions listened to Uncle Leif's sailing experiences by the fire, but even the sailor Leif, who had such a legendary and rich experience, the children did not think of him as a "real warrior", just a long small child.

When I heard Rafe's adventures, I thought Rafe was amazing, but the kids didn't think so.

The hero in their hearts is the one who kills the enemy on the battlefield, the one who has a great record.

This has to do with the Vikings.

Baidu Encyclopedia Vikings, you will find that they are Vikings, the details inside are interested in Baidu.

The Vikings were among the Danes in single Denmark in medieval life who made a living by pillage and piracy.

They yearned for a rich England, they invaded England, and some people moved to the north of England and expanded their territory.

Park In 1002, the English army attacked the livable Vikings. In retaliation for this incident, Denmark began to send troops like England and officially attacked England.

Viking civilization is all about fighting, so in the eyes of young Tolfen and the other children, Leif is not a warrior, although Leif has a rich adventure, in the eyes of children he is just an outlier.

If you don't look up some relevant Viking history, it will still be a bit difficult to watch this drama.

Due to the slow heat at the beginning of this drama, I estimate that many people will give up because of this.

To give up is to give up a masterpiece.

And it's kind of hardcore.

In addition to seeing the funds burning, you can also see a lot about the history of northern Europe, about the history of Vikings and England.

Personally, I didn't like history before and thought it was very boring, but one day I became interested in history, and I have to thank a historical figure, Zeng Guofan.

There is a saying that one should be Zeng Guofan in life and Li Hongzhang in doing things.

If you are interested, you can check the relevant information.

In addition to history, you can also see how Asherat, as a pirate chief, conducts his strategy.

As a pirate, in addition to Yong, he also has a plan.

When it comes to being brave and resourceful, the first person in "Pirates of War" must be Thors. Yes, he died in the fourth episode.

In episode 7, Asherat asked Thorfin to negotiate with the leader of the siege party, saying that after capturing the city, half of the battle power will be paid as a reward.

After successful negotiation, the siege began. After the city was captured, Asherat took all the treasures.

And the self-righteous fat-headed pig-brained siege Fangtoutou is still proud, not knowing that he has already been calculated by Asherat.

Finally, after learning that he was being calculated, he was overwhelmed with anxiety and could only throw arrows indiscriminately.

This is Asherat's bravery.

In addition to being brave, Asherat is also very tactful.

For example, every time Torfin needs to make a shot, he will use Torfin's obsession with wanting to duel with himself to drive Torfin to do things.

When Tolfen asked for a duel after completing the task, he also agreed first, but he is a person who can see the situation. If the form is not right, for a stubborn person like Tolfen, agree to him first, let the form be a little worse, let him Torfin saw it too, and slipped first.

When you have nothing to do, why don't you want to duel Torfin? Anyway, there is nothing to do, so come to a duel and treat it as an amateur program to make everyone happy.

Such is the slickness of Asherat.

Asherath and Thors are complete opposites.

Asherat is sleek, understands the times, and understands human nature.

Thors is a real man and has his own beliefs, but the current situation does not allow him to do so, so he was calculated to death.

Careful children's shoes can also find that this drama also has frequent golden sentences.

In addition to the fact that a real swordsman does not need a sword, for example: "No matter what kind of person, there is a way to make him work."

This sentence fully experienced Asherath, who is an absolute hero.

I started begging for Asherat, and after seeing his performance later, I gradually began to appreciate Asherat.

People like Asherat, no matter what era, are always the most popular.

There is something to be learned about communication from Asherat.

Don't care about "Ghost Blade", and this hard-core "Pirate War" is also very worth spending time.

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Extended Reading

Vinland Saga quotes

  • Floki: You shouldn't ask questions, it's for your own good.

  • Thors: Time has come for me to take responsibility for what I've done.