Too Unreal - "Last Year at Marienbad"

Alan 2022-04-20 09:02:11

"Last Year in Marienbad" uses a baroque restaurant as the background of the story. When only the cast appears, the narrator's voice already appears before the screen. The monologue of the male fills the whole film, and he The words used when muttering seem to be repeated, but the inner waves can be felt, making people unpredictable. At the beginning of the film, the director led the viewers into the place where the story took place through the long-lens shooting method, and also showed the baroque style such as the complex relief sculptures and exquisite murals of the hotel. The corridors of the hotel seem to stretch forever without ever reaching an end. In the process of the movie's screen transition, the gradual disappearance of the dark picture is also used, giving people a mysterious meaning that the truth cannot be explored.

It seems that the location of the story is fixed at the hotel, a single place of occurrence, but in fact, the hero tries to convince the heroine again and again that the time and space caused by the flash of memory in the process of meeting the heroine in Feide Tingyuan. staggered overlap . The hotel becomes a labyrinth, trapping men and women who come or have come, unable to stop or rest. In such a rigid space, at first glance, I will not get lost, but I cannot avoid losing myself, just as the names of the hero and heroine are not explained in the movie. In movies, there are often pictures of characters frozen, but the protagonist moves freely among them, as if the pictures represent the memory or fantasy in the protagonist's mind . Features of Realism and Stream of Consciousness.

The tones of the film are not bright colors, but tend to be neutral or even dim . The dim light of the matching chandelier shines on the pearl jewelry worn by the heroine, reflecting the shimmer in the dimness, full of disillusionment. This hotel is only empty , and it doesn't matter where it is, it is too illusory.

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Extended Reading

Last Year at Marienbad quotes

  • [X wanders through the hotel's corridors cataloging items he sees]

    X: Empty salons. Corridors. Salons. Doors. Doors. Salons. Empty chairs, deep armchairs, thick carpets. Heavy hangings. Stairs, steps. Steps, one after the other. Glass objects, objects still intact, empty glasses. A glass that falls, three, two, one, zero. Glass partition, letters.

  • X: I must have you alive. Alive, as you have already been every evening, for weeks, for months.

    A: I have never stayed so long anywhere.

    X: Yes, I know. I don't care. For days and days. Why don't you still want to remember anything?

    A: You're raving! I'm tired, leave me alone!