Alan 2022-04-22 07:01:45

If literally translated,
Luo Dayou's "Tomorrow will be better"?
I haven't seen this movie
until the last time I went to Jiangnanxi UME with Lingluo, Hakuba, and TUCKME to review the film week of old UME movies, and I didn't
meet him for the first time.
Bai Ma said, this is Fa Ge's pioneering work, and it is this film that Fa Ge became famous in one fell swoop.
TUCKME said that the films shown in the theater were all shipped from HK, and also, the four black characters of "The True Color of Heroes" on the movie ticket stubs are also extremely difficult to see again.
So I pasted this ticket stub in the diary, hoping that the ink will not be lost as a souvenir.
At that time, brother, brother, and Di Lung were all very young, so their performances were naturally not as skillful as the old dramas they are now. land.
But there is always something that touches the heartstrings, otherwise why is the inner cow full of faces?
1. Jianghu
Fa and Di Long went to see a guest, Fa offended the boss of the other party by talking, and was forced to drink, but Fa was not allowed to drink. Pee.
This matter was said vividly by Brother Fa, his eyes widened.
Brother Fa said, "I swear in my life I will never have a gun pointed at the head again!"
His eyes were red when he was emotional.
This is humiliation.
Thinking of that time, I was like a lowly garbage, and I was kicked out and cleaned up, and I cried when I was uncomfortable.
I swear that I must strive to live up to my expectations. The only way in this world is to strive for my own self-redemption. Don't be humble, and don't be a muddy mud that others have stepped on to the ground.
To have the tenacity of weeds.

2. Brothers
Fage and Di Long, although they are brothers in the rivers and lakes, are better than brothers.
He avenged him, and he sincerely hoped that he would come back and fight again; he scolded his biological brother for blaming him for not understanding how much his brother had paid for him; . For him, he opened the eyes of killing and killing, bloodthirsty, and his knee was injured. Later, he limped as Ah Si, from the big guy in the trench coat to Ah Si. In the end, the debt was paid for by blood, and he died.
My younger brother, being a police officer, grew up in a simple and happy fool B under the shadow of my elder brother. I wrote a conspiracy review before, and said a sentence to the effect of this, often the younger generation who live happily has a responsible elder brother and elder sister. . The younger brother used his brother's money to go to the police academy and enter the police station. Later, his father was killed by the enemy. Instead, he blamed his identity. The police station canceled his PROMOTE because of background problems. Every sentence is thorny, even if my brother was a taxi driver in order to correct his evil, he was flattened by him as worthless.
The cruel words spoken by the closest people often hurt the most.
Hey, a sigh.

There are many reasons for correcting evil and returning to righteousness. Some people are willing to do it, and some people are forced to do so.
But once you have entered the Tao and become possessed, that's the end, the enemy, whether it's an old comrade, will try to tear your clothes when you turn around beautifully, saying that you want to show your most essential and pure side.
You are a black crow, no matter how white you jump into the snow, you are still a black crow.
A lie repeated three times will become true, not to mention those who have the past?
It was too easy to label him, not paper, but lead.
In my opinion, as long as there are no violent factors in the genetic mutation or people with a defective nervous system, they all have spontaneous motivation!

When I have time, I will find this film and watch it
again. Good night when I am sleepy.
Written on the 2nd anniversary of work;

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Extended Reading

A Better Tomorrow quotes

  • Mr. Yiu: [to Shing as he keeps calling him "Bastard"] No matter what, get him to return the tape, okay, bastard?

  • Mr. Yiu: [to Shing as he keeps calling him "Bastard"] So, what did Ho say, bastard?