Revisiting the problems of "Star Trek: Discovery"

Roselyn 2022-10-07 04:04:06

Half a century has passed since the "Star Trek" series was born. As a sci-fi writer said: "All sci-fi works are the reflection of human reflections on today's society." In "Interstellar Travel", the Interstellar Federation (UFP) respects the values ​​of diversified civilizations and believes in cooperation between different civilizations. The concept of the world is undoubtedly just like the universal values ​​of today’s world that bridge the whole world.

By the way: the creation of "Interstellar Travel" in the United States does not mean that the US government really has the beautiful values ​​of UFP. If you are an audience who deeply likes the values ​​of Star Alliance, undoubtedly, you can neither see this beauty around us, nor can you preach "God fraternity, freedom and democracy" in the United States, but it is realistic. Seen in the country of false Christ who is domineering and self-interested. Therefore, this is exactly what we have to be wary of. Just as an artist has the skill of painting dragons and phoenixes, it does not mean that his character is equal to his painting skills. We have to be clear about this point. Now, we return to the topic.

The Star Trek series (hereinafter referred to as "ST"), in addition to TV series, has also derived movies, comics, novels, games, fan-made stories, etc., TOS(1966)→TNG(1987)→DS9( 1993) → VOY (1995) → ENT (2001), together with 10 post-traditional movie series, roughly constitute the mainstream ST galaxy chronicle. It can be said that until VOY, the ST Milky Way Chronicle is relatively complete, which is hereinafter referred to as the "ST Original Chronicle".

TOS (started in 1966, serialized for three seasons) ↔Star Trek: Original/Star Trek;

TNG (started in 1987, serialized for seven seasons) ↔Interstellar Travel: The Next Generation/Galactic Dragon;

DS9 (Broadcast in 1993, serialized for seven seasons) ↔Interstellar travel: Deep Space Nine/Deep Space Nine Space Station;

VOY (launched in 1995, serialized for seven seasons) ↔Interstellar Travel: Voyager/Return to Earth;

ENT (opened in 1995, serialized in the four seasons) ↔Star Trek: Enterprise/Star Trek Prequel;

DIS (launched in 2017)↔Interstellar Travel: Discovery;

However, due to various commercial needs, the quality of the screenwriters handled is uneven, and there have been some errors in the chronicle of the ST Galaxy, all of which started from the prequel ENT period. (Speaking of which, the story of ENT is quite exciting)

The two bald male gods of TNG and DS9, the black and white captains met for the first time

A kindness with dignity (TNG Picard), a majesty with affection (DS9 Sisco)

In the "ST Original Chronicles":

The first contact between mankind and Klingon: 2218

Human use of human energy transmission technology: 2232

In the Chronicles of ENT:

The first contact between mankind and Klingon: 2151

Humans formally use the human body transmission technology: In 2151, Captain Archer made the first attempt to human body transmission, and it has since become a universal application.

Of course, I am still tolerant of ENT’s chronological changes. Because the prequel of ENT involves the plot of "Cold War of Time", the timeline has been slightly changed. I understand it, because there are also some in the first four episodes. Similar plot. Moreover, Gene Roddenberry, who created TOS back then, also has his time limit.

The blue skin and the captain are good comrades who trust each other. The picture above is the scene of the blue skin looking out of the porthole of the Enterprising NX-01 before the establishment of Star Alliance.

The four patriarchs of UFP, Human, Terra, Amdo and Vulcan, seem to symbolize TOS, TNG, DS9 and VOY.

Watching human beings mature step by step, becoming the original adventurer, uniting the other three star families, and moving towards the era of establishing UFP

UFP was established in 2161, ENT is more like UFP itself, it integrates TOS, TNG, DS9 and VOY

There are still people who are still arguing about whether Romulan, with 271 colonies, had interstellar velocities during the first Romulan counterattack (2158-2160), and how did humans go through numerous obstacles and transport winning weapons into Romulan? And this is a war between humans and Romulan, who have never seen each other in real life, including the subsequent delimitation of the neutral zone, which was all negotiated by voice.

From a logical point of view, if Romulan did not have interstellar speed, it would be impossible to manage a huge star field with 271 colonies spanning light-years, ENT has already explained. Of course, the way mankind ends this war is similar to opening up. The early system still had certain logical loopholes.

In fact, although humans at that time established a four-community cooperation agreement with Vulcan, Andorian, and Terra, the real Interstellar Federation UFP system has not yet been established. Romulan's war with the earth happened before UFP. Unfortunately, ENT did not add a description of the incident. After all, the battle took place 4 years after ENT, and UFP was established after the war with Romulan. (Additionally, in fact, ENT’s No. 2 protagonist engineer Trepp may have been killed during the war against Romulan, which is more reasonable.)

During TOS, Captain Kirk, First Mate Spock (Vulcan)

The first interstellar ship of the ENT era, Captain Archer, First Mate Tepa (Vulcan)

Of course, although the ENT story is not as classic as TOS, not as stable as TNG, not as magnificent as DS9, and not as romantic as VOY, but the first generation of interstellar travel members of ENT is at the forefront of human interstellar development, and various rules are in the period of establishment. It is very legendary. Without the reckless and impulsive crew of this generation, UFP (Interstellar Federation) would not have been established. Although ENT has slightly revised the chronicle, it does not affect the fourth season of ENT. The fourth season of ENT is the best prequel to the improvement of the original chronicle of ST.

Later, Paramount re-developed the movie version of "Star Trek", called the "Kelvin Timeline", which can only be regarded as a parallel universe. Of course, the story is indeed very joyful. In my opinion, it can only be regarded as an entry-level movie. .

"Star Trek: Discovery" (hereinafter referred to as DIS), broadcast in September 2017. When watching the first two episodes, the design of the Starship Command Post was quite sci-fi, especially Captain Qiao Jiu played by Michelle Yeoh, who is soft and strong, and there is no lack of female wisdom in his speech. The two female characters, including Mike Bona, are very eye-catching and full of personalities, and as an inevitable alien partner of the interstellar travel team, the Kebirs are very representative from the image setting to the personality setting. .

The most worth mentioning are the Klingons. The coffin warships of the Klingon Empire are full of simple and profound feelings. The interiors of the Klingon spaceships are magnificent and magnificent, but they have the solemnity of a temple. The projection method of Klingon internal communication Full of the style of altar culture. Although the redesigned image of the Klingon is not completely set according to the previous work, it is personally pleasing to the eye.

The overall style of Klingon makes people have to think of "Prometheus"! ! ! And the Klingon in my imagination should have the solemnity of "Prometheus"!

(On the Internet, this new image is dubbed "Ba Bo Er Ben" and "Ben Bo Er Ba")

Old version of Klingons; beard and hair are very obvious!

Note that the back of the heads of the new version of Klingons are a bit alien. Too avant-garde, not all original parties can accept it.

The new Klingon space suit

The confrontation between the Klingons and the Star Alliance

Holographic projection like an altar sculpture

It’s like visiting a giant stone statue

Teku Vuma

Art and technology are united, blood and luxury are united, the newly shaped Klingons show a certain spirituality from the picture

The new version of Klingon, the main color is gold and green, like a golden temple, completely different from the old version

The old version of Klingon, the main color is dark and blood red, the picture above is the Klingon court

Judge of the Old Klingon

Jurors of the old Klingons

Lawyer of the old Klingon

Old Klingons: Worf who grew up in the Star Federation

But as "Star Trek: Discovery" (hereinafter referred to as DIS) continued to broadcast, I couldn't be happy.

Obviously, DIS is a new-age series. It can be seen that the effect the screenwriter wants is to make the story of each episode and each episode of the show coherent and mutually causal. The best thing to do in this regard is "DS9" and "ENT", especially "DS9", which strikes an excellent balance between the old and the new.

This is different from the unitized story of "TNG" or "TOS" in the early years. The unitized story cannot take care of the macro-political structure of the entire galaxy within 45 minutes, so it can only be written as a relatively impromptu sketch. Similar story, but lacks the cause and effect of the overall situation. For example, in the "TNG" period, the Klingon security officer Worf used the Kellyx clone as the emperor, and the plot seemed jerky before and after. There are many similar single episodes involving Star Alliance politics, all of which feel jerky (BUG).

As I just said, at the beginning of DIS, Captain Qiao Jiu played by Bona and Michelle Yeoh was very eye-catching, because they are very modern strong women with fast speech, capable actions, sharp thinking, clever angles, and fierce competition! I suddenly discovered that DIS is no longer the kind of stability inside the TNG spacecraft, nor is it the kind of cautious and sometimes reckless ENT. The interior of the Shenzhou is like an [elite workplace]!

Two strong women

First officer and second officer, in fierce competition

After the Shenzhou, the heroine Mike Bona boarded the Discovery. Compared with the personnel mechanism of the Shenzhou, the Discovery was more rigid and rigid. ) His face was burned by the surge. There was no sofa in the captain's meeting room. He was always standing, ready for battle at all times. .... The dark-tuned light filled the spacecraft with a sense of coldness. It is suspected that it has returned to the DS9 era, and the whole atmosphere behaves quite well! Because the Interstellar Federation is at war with the Klingon Empire! !

If Captain Qiao Jiu (Michelle Yeoh) of the Shenzhou is tough and flexible with room for maneuver, then Captain Luca of the Discovery is not only flexible but also quite tough. The motivation to mobilize his subordinates is very strong. He only looks at the results. Don't look at the process! Ask only the result, not the means!

When the admiral video chats with him,

The admiral said: "I didn't know you were eating, Captain Luca."

Luca replied plainly: "Please forgive me for being unreasonable." And the other hand is holding the octopus tentacles that have not been swallowed.

Facing the leader, he didn't feel discomfort at all. He is well versed in "Will be out, the ruler's life is not tolerated", and he is very good at looking for gray areas in the rules that are beneficial to him. He is a person who knows how to use the rules of Star Alliance to disobey the rules.

The dark-tuned light inside the spacecraft seems to be a metaphor that Captain Luca is always observing you in the dark, monitoring whether you execute orders. All of this, it is hard not to compare you with the repressive personnel work environment in reality.

Darkened light!

Therefore, whether it is Shenzhou or Discovery, DIS has given me an impression-pragmatism! ! Elite workplace! !

But with the development of the story, after about 8 episodes, the plot began to fall off the chain.........

There are two fatal problems with DIS:

1. The powerful aura of the protagonist creates the personality of pragmatism and workplace elites, which is destroyed by various brain-dead plots, and the story collapses

2. The Chronicle of the Interstellar Federation is completely chaotic and does not touch the excitement of the audience

[Let’s talk about the first point: the powerful halo of the protagonist]

As I just said, DIS gave me the first impression of pragmatism! But the story went deeper, but it began to hang up. For example, Discovery used a hyphae network to jump 200 times in close range!

But in fact, there were many such plots in TNG in the early years. For example, in a TNG episode, the crew experienced an ancestral phenomenon. The follow-up of the story took a simple time and worked out a solution to restore everyone to their original state. For another example, Captain Skinhead was transformed into a Borg by the Nano injection technology of the Borg people. After the Captain Skinhead was rescued, he was easily changed back to the original state, which is incredible.

In fact, this is all about opening up!

This relates to the impression that DIS gave me before. It is clear that the characters in DIS gave me the impression of pragmatism (except for the stupid Tilly). How come the characters start all kinds of non-rigorous behaviors?

For example, a female chief mate with a bad face releases a water bear insect and is then killed by the water bear insect?

The female adjutant of the main universe

For example, the female emperor of the dark mirror image, apparently going to cut off Mike Bona's head at any time, and regards human life as a must, in order to keep secrets, a ninja dart directly headshots the minister next to her. Later, he hesitated about this "daughter", and even unsuspectingly asked Mike Bona to perform her "anti-intermination" as a captive. It's not like a suspicious empress.

For another example, Mike Bona captured the empress and then dealt with Luca in a counter-intuitive way. Please, Luca regained the power of the Terran Empire in this way. The story suddenly made Luca IQ offline, and made Mike Bona flicker around? It's amazing.

What is even more inexplicable is that Mike Bona and the Empress will single out the entire empire's guards? This combat power is amazing! And Mike Bona was obviously about to blow up the Imperial spaceship, the Empress actually cooperated with Bona so actively...囧;

Also, when the empress is such a character who has such a strong desire to survive, when Bona is about to teleport back to Discovery, the empress is actually willing to stay and die? Luca knows how to stay in the green hills, not afraid of the truth without firewood, the empress will not understand, this IQ can actually be the empress...囧

There is something more interesting. For example, Mike Bona clearly confronted Luca, but Luca cut the back of the dark mirrored female adjutant with a sword in order not to harm the protagonist Mike Bona? Isn't this simply helping protagonist Mike Bona inexplicably?

Luca was originally a person from the dark mirrored universe. He had all kinds of conspiracies and tricks in his mind, but now his IQ was completely offline, which really made me look anxious. What is the impression of [Pragmatism] and [Elite Workplace] given before? This is simply to make the protagonist fully open and hang up.

Slashed the loyal adjutant with one sword

The protagonist Bona is stunned...

Another example is the nameless Klingon boy, who is inexplicably high, and then inexplicably seized power. With such a tender head, Klingon is really unfailing.

Also, Ash was enlightened by Klingon and performed the soul-transfer technique. ), it is obviously to break into Discovery. The results of it? Ashe didn't show any role in the story, and he didn't get any information. I really don't know why he realized the Soul Removal Dafa after suffering from Ling Chi for no reason?

And in the story, this layer of foreshadowing is not detailed enough. When Bona, Ash, and Kebir Sulu met on the planet of Pavo, they met a pure energy body race that knew telepathy, and they did not give Ash enough. Psychological contradictions, such as flashback or something. On the contrary, when they were on the sarcophagus ship, Ash directly scared to pee (you read it right, it was scared to pee), dragged the protagonist's hind legs, and I was also drunk.

And in the dark mirror universe, which is full of dangers, the soul of the Klingon unknown boy awakens inexplicably, so Ash, who is possessed by spirit, immediately retorts to kill Bona, please, you don’t look at what kind of environment you are in. In, the IQ of the Klingon nameless boy is touching! ..........Oops

In addition, the female Klingon loves the Klingon unknown boy. (The relationship imposed by the plot, in fact, the love between these two aliens is not tenable at all, because the story does not give them room to establish a relationship at all). As a result, in the struggle between the two souls of humans and the Klingon unknown boy for the same body, the female Klingon was persuaded by the Star Alliance to remove the unknown boy’s soul from Ash, and the unknown boy’s soul flew away. , This is the "love" of "female Klingons"? ? ? ...........Oops

Obviously Klingons are proud of this, and only let the unknown boy fight Ash to the end, regardless of life or death, are the real Klingons! But the female Klingon removed the soul of the unknown boy in order to prevent the unknown boy from suffering...囧

foolish and naive

Cole of the Rohan family

The most interesting thing is, how did you guess how the Klingon war with the Star Alliance was resolved?

Look at my female Klingon, threatening to blow up the mother star to unify the Klingon nation..............囧

This female Klingon is clearly the lead party of the Star Alliance. She said no, and she supported her in actual action. It seemed that I was not watching Discovery, but watching a comedy.

He is obviously a Star Alliance officer, Ash, who has the identity of a double soul. In fact, it is easy to think that Ash is the key figure to stop the war between the Klingon Empire and the Star Alliance. As a result, he gave up all, screenwriter, screenwriter, What story are you writing? ? ?

The female Klingons who used bomb threats to blow up their homes to unify the whole nation knelt

What about pragmatism?

What about workplace elites?

Obviously, it was all kinds of brain-dead tricks to die, and then make way for the protagonist's aura.

Captain with a dumb face

No way, it's so funny, I can't help it, I can only cover the lens with my hand.

Of course, I must add that the dark mirror idea is very good, but the idea is good, but there is a lack of screenwriters who can put it to good use.

[Furthermore on the second point: the chaos of chronicles]

The story of DIS started in 2258. In 2258, Spock was 28 years old, Captain Kirk was 25 years old, and Dr. McCoy was 32 years old. In other words, the story of DIS is parallel to the era of TOS. Here, it is nothing more than using the Enterprising and Kirk, Spock and other characters to gain popularity. It's a businessman again!

In fact, if there are not so many brain-disabled plots above, I would not focus on the issue of chronicles. But the story of DIS is too unacceptable, and I don't know how to connect with TOS.

The four elephants of the Milky Way

The border between Klingon and the Federation

The first informal contact between Klingon and Star Alliance was in 2218. I can understand here that in the ENT era, the contact between Captain Archer and Klingon ships was in a neutral free zone, but because of various With the record of the collision, the Star Alliance chose to actively avoid contact with the militant and barbaric Klingons, and began to consolidate the political and economic system of the four ethnic alliances of Vulcans, Earthlings, Terras and Amdos until UFP After the foundation of Starlink was completely consolidated, the frontier was reopened and entered a new era of exploration.


In 2218, when the Klingons were re-contacted again, on the one hand, the Star Alliance’s territory had been greatly expanded and new exploration space was needed; on the other hand, the Star Alliance also had sufficient political, economic and military power to be able to Made contact with the huge Klingon Empire. The USS Sentinel and the Klingons confirmed their first interaction.

In 2221, the USS Flying Fortress was hijacked and destroyed by Klingon. Then there was a war with the Klingon Empire. I guess, here is just that Star Alliance has a battle with one of the big families. Remember, it's just one of the 24 families or minor leagues. Then it died down........

In 2224, 59-year-old Sharek gave birth to his first son, the pure-blooded Vulcan born to Princess Vulcan-Sepok

In 2228, Tabelis, Captain Lieutenant Colonel April, performed the first five-year mission after the war with the Klingon Empire (one of the family).

In 2230, ShiKahr on Vulcan, the 65-year-old Sharek’s second wife, Amanda Greyson, gave birth to his second son, Spock

In 2232, the Tabelis completed its first 5-year mission, and the interstellar territory of the Interstellar Federation was greatly expanded. Subsequently, preparations began the second 5-year mission. Significant progress has been made in the practical application of the technology to transmit humans in the form of energy, and the Starfleet immediately used this technology on the latest warships.

In 2233, the Federation sent its first envoy to the territory of the Klingon Empire.

In 2237, Klingon's negotiations with the Federation almost broke down. The Klingon Empire issued an ultimatum to the Federation. If the Federation does not retreat from the area that both parties claim to be its own territory, the Klingon will declare war on the Federation. The hostility between the two parties was concentrated on the planet Organia, the only M-class planet in the area. However, neither side of the confrontation knows that the inhabitants of the planet Organians are a very advanced "noncorporeal" biological form (Noncorporeal lifeform). They let the two sides sign the Organian peace agreement, which temporarily ended the armed confrontation.

(I speculate here that in 2237, due to the stellar dispute between the Star Alliance and the Klingons, the Tabelis ceased its second 5-year mission.)

In 2240, the Klingon and the Federation ceased their warfare and finally established a neutral zone.

In 2242, another battle with the Interstellar Federation over the domain issue in the Sherman galaxy was called the "Battle of Donatou V."

From 2245 to 2250, the flagship of the Star Fleet, the Enterpries (USS Enterpries NCC 1701), sailed under the command of Robert April.

In 2250, Enterprising completed a five-year mission and underwent a modification. Christopher Pike took over the command of the Enterprise from Brigadier General Robert April and served as captain until 2262.

In 2253, the 20-year-old Kirk was promoted to a trainee lieutenant. Kirk was forced by the situation to kill Khall, the Klingon who was an exchange study (I guess this was a Klingon spy), and the exchange of personnel between Klingon and the Federation was suspended.

In 2262, the 29-year-old Kirk became the captain of the Enterprise.

In 2265, there was another war between the Star Alliance and the Klingon Empire. I speculate here that since the war subsided very quickly, it may only be the family alliance among the Klingons, rather than the entire Klingons.

The following is my personal opinion

In the official setting of DIS, the first season of Discovery took place in 2258. Almost a few years before Kirk took over the Enterprise, there was another large-scale battle with the Klingon Empire.

But to be honest, I don't agree.

In my opinion, the Klingon's attack on the Star Alliance should happen in 2242. It can be set as the "Battle of Donatou V" itself, because the light of Kailish was discovered in the Sherman Galaxy, and it has nothing to do with the star field dispute.

In 2242, because the Sherman galaxy discovered the light of Kells and claimed that it was the holy land of the Klingons, the 24 Klingon families stood on the same front for the first time and came out, "Battle of Donatou V "break out! But the Klingons do not have invisible technology, only the sarcophagus ship has invisible technology.

The sarcophagus ship of unknown origin was discovered by Maku Wuma during his adventures, and found clues about the light of Kailish in it-it was in the "Sherman Galaxy." Maku Wuma summoned the Klingon fleet, but did not share the stealth technology.

As the second of the four patriarchs in the history of the Star Alliance, Tellarites and Andorians will appear more often in the first season of the story. The ending of the first season is to enter the dark mirror.

Vulcan and Andori

In the second season, in 2243, the protagonist group returned to the main universe, the empress was transferred to the Star Alliance, and the dark mirror image came to an end.

The mycelial network was completely closed due to the explosion. After calculation, it is concluded that the self-repair of the mycelial network will not recover until 300 years later. Discovery can no longer be plugged in, but the chief engineer has unexpectedly gained the ability to "foresee the future", but this ability can only appear after taking "cyanobacteria". It was the engineer's ability to "foresee the future" that caused Discovery to destroy the invisible sarcophagus ship preparing to invade the Vulcan Galaxy in the second season.

Due to the annihilation of the main force of the Rohan family (of which Cole belongs), the twenty-four clans split again, forming six family alliances of varying sizes. Although the attack on the Federation is no longer fierce, because the Federation has half of its walls left, the unruly attacks of the 24 tribes on the Federation make the Star Federation tired of dealing with it, as if five chaos. As the story of the second season progressed, Bona rescued the female Klingons and laid the groundwork for the female Klingons in the future.

However, the twenty-four tribes also contradicted each other. The female Klingon family was annexed by one of the family alliances, so the female Klingon proposed to the Star Alliance: "Cooperate with the Klingons of the Blackbeard family to stop the war. !"

Because the Blackbeard family that was suppressed by the Rohan family disliked the Rohan family the most. Especially when the leader of the Rohan family got the sarcophagus ship, he recklessly suppressed the Blackbeard family. The Blackbeard family has been rejected from the Klingon star. Almost eighty years outside, the hatred is considerable.

The Blackbeard family can refer to the image of the new version and integrate the features of the old version to design a Klingon with a bearded image.

The Blackbeard family can refer to the image of the new version and integrate the features of the old version to design a Klingon with a bearded image.

The Blackbeard family can refer to the image of the new version and integrate the features of the old version to design a Klingon with a bearded image.

In order to reduce some of the threats, Discovery relied on the chief engineer’s ability to foresee the future and decisively opened negotiations with the Klingon Blackbeard family, because the two had contacted in the earliest ENT era. Finally, Bona released the female Klingon. To express goodwill.

After that, Discovery received a mission to go to the border of Emperor Xin to receive a person-it was the Empress! Michelle Yeoh proposed to launch a surprise attack on the Klingon home planet, which symbolizes unity, and destroy the Klingon main star in one fell swoop-it is the dead planet of the "Xindiren" who attacked the earth in the ENT era and applied it to the Klingon home planet! The federation that was beaten down by half of the country finally passed. (In addition, in the operation, Area 31 secretly intervened, and it was radical, determined to destroy the threat of Klingon.)

Bona firmly disagrees with the empress's views, but it is useless, because she is a guilty person. As a result, several important members of the crew of Discovery, with the help of Harcourt and his father-in-law, mixed into the Orion Pirate Gang, and with the help of the chief engineer's ability to "foresee the future", they entered the Klingon home planet with mixed eyes!

Because Bona saw how the Klingons united everyone against the Terran Empire in the dark mirror universe, he understood that Klingons also had his own civilization. In order not to lose both sides, Bona found the female Klingon who was released in good faith by her, and began to cooperate. They all violated the order given to them by Shangfeng and must stop this "Star Destruction Plan". In the process, it was discovered that 800 years ago, the ins and outs of the Huke tribe, who once enslaved the main star of Klingon, were more related to the Rohan family (to which Cole belonged).

The death star of the Cindy, sailing in a hyperbolic channel, hard to guard against

The "dead planet" of the Xindi people did not destroy the Klingon home planet in the end, but was used by the female Klingons who joined the Blackbeard family to destroy the main star of the Rohan family (the female Klingons took control) , Represents the official revenge of the Blackbeard family, taking advantage of the situation to rise and return to the paralyzed Klingon Parliament.

Klingon warbird

Blackbeard punished the Rohan family’s dishonor, and exterminated the last Huke family, and issued a final summoning order. When other families saw the main star’s light appearing to reappear, they gave up the Star Alliance and turned to Back to the main star.

The Captain Empress disappeared at the end of the second season.

End of the second season

Romulan battleship

In the third season, in 2244, because of the war with the Klingon, the Federation entered the training period. During this period, Discovery handled some missions between the federal star regions, and during the two years from 2244 to 2245, traveled through several major star regions of the Star Alliance.

Romulan Hawks

All kinds of acrimonious speeches, side-strikes

In the second season, the shadow of the Romulans has appeared, and the Terran Empress and Romulan have already cooperated. The Empress wants to use the Republic of Romulan to carry out her restoration plan! In one episode, there is also a story of traveling to the future. The chief engineer's consciousness is attached to Captain Skinhead, but he can only turn on the third party mode to see the future through the perspective of Captain Skinhead.

The flagship of the TNG era: the ambassador class enterprising

Ambassador-level combat power at a glance

Ambassador-level combat power at a glance

During this period, other time-traveling situations occurred. Discovery crossed 90 years ago, and it was the war with Romulan 90 years ago. Romulan's fiasco was due to the interference of Discovery!

The flagship of the ENT era: Enterprising NX-01

Tepa, the beauty mate of ENT, will appear in DIS. Can play a role in a crisis involving the Romulans. She might already be a Vulcan of Star Alliance. I remember the old woman who presided over the wedding of Spock, also called Tepa—could it be Tepa of ENT? ? I feel that this kind of conjecture is actually very interesting.

The first Vulcan chief mate in the history of Starlink-Enterprising NX-01 chief mate: Tepa

Beautiful Vulcan first mate, given that Vulcans are aging slowly and have a very long life span, I don’t know how old they are

Vulcan and Andoria

Tepa, watching mankind step by step towards maturity, towards the era of establishing UFP

In 2268, it was Spock's wedding. Tepa was the first to board the Enterprising number in 2151. Even if Tepa was 40 years old at the time, then in 2268, Tepa was only about 170 years old. So in 2244, it is only about 150 years old, so it is possible to enter the worldview of DIS.

It seems that she is also called Tepa..........

The above is my guess.

I think this kind of chronicle is interesting

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