Romance under the guise of philosophy

Elmer 2022-04-20 09:02:16

Ah, I posted it on Tieba before, but it seems that not many people watch this film, so I will talk about it here = =

Actually, it may be because my own ideological awareness is not high, so I finally regarded this film as a Romance. I finally gave up on philosophy, although there are many elements of philosophy, religion, etc. in it, I believe everyone has heard of the infinite monkeys, car tracks, and so on at the beginning. Including the last three thought experiments, living with logical and rational choices, and the last pure obedience to people's preferences and enjoyment. Oh, digress, anyway, I don't really understand these philosophical things,
but in the end, the teacher and the heroine's conversation, and the teacher eats a sandwich, the teacher commits suicide, and the teacher closes his eyes and thinks of the heroine. I analyzed this story as a romance.
These three actions correspond to three thought experiments, restoring the story between him and the heroine.

In the beginning, teachers divided students into useful and useless. The students rejected the teacher, who was locked out and died alone. It can be seen as the beginning, the teacher has just taught these students, he has been using his own logical values ​​to distinguish the students (for example, the heroine's boyfriend, although there is prejudice and discrimination, it is precisely because from the teacher's point of view, this boy is too Bad, late to study bad, etc.). Maybe he is also like this in reality, so he is rejected. Corresponding to the ending, he went upstairs silently just to survive and eat sandwiches. But in the first thought experiment, the heroine cried at the teacher's body and went to see it every day. So, the heroine has discovered the sadness of the teacher and cares about the teacher. It can also be seen from the conversation between the teacher and the heroine before the ending that the teacher said that the heroine can understand him and understand him.

In the second thought experiment after that, the heroine's boyfriend signed a gay guy. Of course, he went to the gay guy and was discovered by the heroine. Here, because the gay man is one of the n farmers set by the teacher to be one of the second rules, the heroine's boyfriend is not gay, but only provides a possibility to indicate that there is a conflict between the two people. After that, in the thought experiment, the heroine and the teacher were together for 10 weeks. This is the time in the thought experiment, and it may also be the time when the two are together in reality. But it was over soon, because the teacher once again used rational emphasis to coerce the students to judge things according to his rational logic, and was resisted at this time. The teacher was injured, and he chose to die. Then, corresponding to the dialogue before the end, we can know that the teacher and the heroine have separated, and because of the teasing behavior of the teacher's thought experiment at the end of the term, the heroine is more reluctant to be with him, so the reason for the previous separation may be similar. Teacher question. Then he chose to die, which corresponds to the second shooting at the end, but he did not see the teacher actually kill himself with a gun, indicating that it did not become a reality, but the teacher thought about it himself.

The third thought experiment, it's pretty clear here. The heroine is the one who chooses, and the teacher keeps saying that you should consider things rationally. But the heroine insisted on choosing, those who will make people happy and happy to survive together. It means that the main woman chooses her boyfriend, not her teacher. Before the end, the teacher said to the heroine, "Do you know how well we are matched?" And he said that the heroine's boyfriend is too bad, all of which have been expressed. So, in the third thought experiment, the teacher himself lived sadly in the hole until they reappeared in front of him, and he wanted to force them to change their minds again. As a result, everyone turned against him. Then the next step is that the heroine is still with her boyfriend, and tells the teacher that everything is not judged by ideals and logic. People, living happily, doing what you like to do and being with the people you like is enough. The teacher said that the disaster of the apocalypse means coming out of the darkness, and the heroine said that it could be better. In fact, this test of the disaster of the apocalypse is just the teacher wanting to get out of the breakup, eat a sandwich, get what he wants, and commit suicide, nothing. But the heroine finally gave the teacher the final result.
In the end, the teacher was still alone, occasionally closing his eyes and thinking about the heroine.

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After the Dark quotes

  • Petra: We live... briefly, yes. Imperfectly? Of course. Stupidly? Sometimes. But we don't mind, because that's the way we're made. And when it's time to die, we don't resist death; we summon it.

  • Mr. Zimit: Do you know what apocalypse actually means?

    Petra: Tell me.

    Mr. Zimit: It's from the Greek "apokálypsis", meaning to uncover what you couldn't see before... a way out of the dark.

    Petra: Your sweet talk still needs work.