After reading this comment, I feel that those who discuss philosophy are fooled by the director. . . .

Haylee 2022-04-20 09:02:16

Quoting a message from an expert:

"Faced with the impending separation of a student's lover, the philosophy teacher designed an experiment. He designed the student in a doomsday scenario.
The first question is, if I separate him (the third party) , will you love me? The student lover replied, I will hate you and let you be burned to death.
The second question, if he (the third party) is gay, will you love me? The student lover replied, I will be with you Together, but will be unhappy all day. The teacher screams, I would rather it is the end of the world than this.
The third time, the student lover suddenly asked, please let me choose, so the student lover chose singing, dancing, marijuana , gambling, and finally blowing myself up...meaning I'd rather be happy to the death than let emotions submit to reason.
What is an apocalypse, is walking through the darkness and revealing the unknown. The philosophy teacher finally found his answer sadly."

Actually, I feel that it is enough to write three questions and three answers, but the last sentence really feels unnecessary. After reading this comment, I suddenly felt how stupid my previous thinking about the so-called "philosophical ideas told in the film" was. .

In conclusion, looking at this movie from a general point of view, I can’t wait to have no stars. From the perspective of the experts quoted above, do you think there are no 5 stars? Is there such a high-level method to save a lover? ?

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Extended Reading

After the Dark quotes

  • Petra: We live... briefly, yes. Imperfectly? Of course. Stupidly? Sometimes. But we don't mind, because that's the way we're made. And when it's time to die, we don't resist death; we summon it.

  • Mr. Zimit: Do you know what apocalypse actually means?

    Petra: Tell me.

    Mr. Zimit: It's from the Greek "apokálypsis", meaning to uncover what you couldn't see before... a way out of the dark.

    Petra: Your sweet talk still needs work.