A very interesting philosophy class

Andreanne 2022-04-20 09:02:16

Aspect 1:
By forming an insinuation of the real society through the subtle structure of this big world, and through the confrontation between the so-called elite class and the civilian class, the value generated by these two classes in this world is thought-provoking and thought-provoking; the elite class Their rationality and thinking can indeed bring about the continuation and evolution of species, but their emotional fragility is also the biggest killer that stifles hope. The civilian class may not have superb thinking, foresight and scientific literacy, which cannot guarantee the continuation and development of civilization, but it is The most valuable thing for them is to always have hope, always maintain a peaceful heart, change themselves, adapt to the environment, and try their best to survive.

Aspect 2:
Love is the only existence, not about philosophy or logic;

Aspect 3:
The director has a poetic plot, and he was decisively killed in the first two rounds, making a silent cry to the world through a self-deprecating way, how is our world? Well, not long ago our world was full of poets, everywhere, but now there are only a handful of them, and few people care about them. A lot of times it became a joke.

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Extended Reading

After the Dark quotes

  • Petra: We live... briefly, yes. Imperfectly? Of course. Stupidly? Sometimes. But we don't mind, because that's the way we're made. And when it's time to die, we don't resist death; we summon it.

  • Mr. Zimit: Do you know what apocalypse actually means?

    Petra: Tell me.

    Mr. Zimit: It's from the Greek "apokálypsis", meaning to uncover what you couldn't see before... a way out of the dark.

    Petra: Your sweet talk still needs work.