Guess the director's intentions

Keanu 2022-04-20 09:02:16

The conditions of the narrative are too harsh and not very accurate. The following guesses are inherent:

One possibility:

First, let's talk about two representative characters:

1. The male teacher
is actually a very logical person and very rational. His point is that "truth" has always been in the hands of a few, like Bruno, Descartes, Newton, the forerunners. Perhaps many years later, the human beings at that time will see the human beings now as ugly and hypocritical. It's like looking at slave feudal society now. Humans have to see themselves more clearly in evolution, as he cites later in the film to illustrate this point: one day he will find that the world on the wall is just a shadow. In fact, he made three cruel experiments to test the moral weakness of human beings, and the conclusion was also cruel: human beings could not survive the disaster of apocalypse because of their moral weakness:
the first time it was immoral to shoot and shut out possible hope.
The second time I lost the chance to reproduce because I didn't like chaotic XX.
Under this kind of moral domination, cheating is used for the third time to stop the male teacher's gameplay. At this time, it is not the male protagonist's philosophical thinking that dominates, but the female protagonist's own gameplay

2. The female protagonist
simulates the collective for the first and second time. The vote is more rational, and the third heroine embodies the greed, hedonism, incomplete thinking, and even sacrifice of dedication of every individual in reality. That is, the kind of person that the male teacher said at the beginning, "in reality, there is a lot of grievances against others". As a result, a group of actors sang, danced and smoked marijuana together, and ended up playing together, not caring about the future of mankind at all. It was very comfortable, and in the end, I was not afraid. And the idea of ​​1 man and 6 women in the end is the biggest irony, indicating that if individuals are allowed to choose, there will be more absurd things. Maybe everyone has their own definition of happiness.

In short, the director's intention is that those practical majors can make people survive, and other majors can make people live a better life. Everyone in these majors has a reason to exist. But if you want to survive, you can't live without the real pig's feet. Philosophy male teacher, he represents philosophy, a person who explores the laws of nature, or a metaphor for the cruel real world. Human beings should respect more if they want to survive. Reality,

There is another possibility: to live bravely like a human even for a year, instead of evolving into another immoral creature

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Extended Reading

After the Dark quotes

  • Petra: We live... briefly, yes. Imperfectly? Of course. Stupidly? Sometimes. But we don't mind, because that's the way we're made. And when it's time to die, we don't resist death; we summon it.

  • Mr. Zimit: Do you know what apocalypse actually means?

    Petra: Tell me.

    Mr. Zimit: It's from the Greek "apokálypsis", meaning to uncover what you couldn't see before... a way out of the dark.

    Petra: Your sweet talk still needs work.