Do you see the cute stupid cat in "Nine Lives"?

Leonel 2022-04-21 09:03:52

My cousin went to college in Shanghai, and I went to play at home today. In the afternoon, I took her to the movies and watched the lighthearted and funny "Nine Lives". In the process of watching it, I feel that this movie is the best movie I have seen in the cinema in recent years (in fact, the frequency of going to the cinema two or three times a year, hehe). But after watching it on the way home, I thought about it carefully, and I probably won't watch it a second time.

"Nine Lives" is a typical Hollywood-style plot, with a domineering president and a workaholic male protagonist, who has no time to accompany his current wife and daughter. The current wife is a kind and beautiful model, and she is also preparing for divorce. I guess I can't stand this kind of work. Crazy; my daughter loves her father very much, she can watch her father’s news interviews 84 times, imitate her father’s speech, she misses her father’s company so much; she also treats her son who was born with her ex and disciplines her very strictly. Company positions are low and the office is in the storage room. The ex-wife felt that the day of the divorce was the luckiest day, and it was also ironic. The male protagonist is mean, selfish, domineering, and super hates cats, but by accident, he has exchanged souls with a cat.

The biggest feature of this film is this maddening, love-hate cat. He has all kinds of imperfections, but he makes you fall in love with his self-righteousness and stupidity, as well as those humorous language coupled with all kinds of sudden If the situation makes you want to watch a pet documentary, just this can catch the audience relaxed and happy for 90 minutes. It's hard for you to make a bad review of this movie just because of that cute stupid cat, after all, everyone in the audience was laughing constantly. All kinds of handsome men and beautiful women, their looks are too high, and the actors act naturally.
Then the male protagonist began his cat's adventure and redemption journey. With the power of a cat, he saved his wife who wanted to divorce, accompanied his lovely daughter, and made his son regain his confidence. I can only say that a 90-minute movie is really difficult to unfold a lot of things, but the plot of the movie is obviously relatively flat in terms of portraying the plot. When the wife is saved, the cat appears when the wife wants to find another place to live, and the wife gives up. To save my daughter is to accompany her to play and dance as a child. There really isn't much interaction to save the son. It can only be said that the son is really obedient to his father, without any complaints, he just wants to be recognized.

When I think about the characterization, everyone is one-sided, the characters are black and white, and there is no depth. And after the male protagonist became a cat, he actually didn't have much regret, and he didn't experience a growth in his mind. Although in the end he chose to sacrifice himself to save his son, I still cried. Except for the male protagonist, the female protagonist, the daughter and the son did not seem to be shaken much after the father's major accident. It seems that life has not been affected, and they are still working step by step. Although there are differences in the treatment of patients between China and the West, the Chinese way of thinking is to take care of them day and night at the expense of their own lives, while Westerners still hope that relatives and friends around them can live as usual in the face of serious diseases. I think it is possible to add a male protagonist who has an accident. In fact, each of them can still recall some of his good, or grief, or contradiction, or fear, or discomfort, etc. The plot does not reflect this. In short, the feeling to the audience is that they also know like the audience that this must be a happy ending, so the plot has no tension. I just thought of a good movie, and I hope to watch it a second time, a third time, this one should not be watched a second time.

But what I want to say is to leave movies and fictional stories. In reality, we may also ignore family members for some floating clouds like the male protagonist. For example, for us working far away, our parents are getting old year by year. Can we spend more time with them? We are not as lucky as the male protagonist. We can look at our life from the perspective of God from the cat's body. We just hope that we can recognize what is most important to our life, and then try our best to do it without leaving any regrets.

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Nine Lives quotes

  • Felix Perkins: I wouldn't take that call Ian hang up

    [Ian carries on conversing into a cell phone and is promptly run over]

    Felix Perkins: [last lines]

    Ian Cox: [Now stuck in a cat as his comatose body is wheeled away] But I HATE Cats!

    Felix Perkins: [Smugly repeating what he told Tom] That's why it makes this so perfect

  • Lara Brand: No wonder tom got you... your just like him