
Marianna 2022-04-22 07:01:56

Like "Natsume's Book of Friends", it depicts the purity of monsters and the complexity of humans. It is impossible to refuse Japanese animation to play the warm card, and the masters have all kinds of soothing "tender" details at their fingertips. (By the way, pigs that are slaughtered in the real world, but in the monster world in the film saved the human children who were about to be eaten by monsters, and said that they were practitioners in the image of a monk...)
Watch online When the comments mentioned Hayao Miyazaki's retirement, Toshiyoshi Kon's early death in middle age, each of Hosoda Mori's works is not as good as the other. In fact, I also began to worry that there will be no such good animations in this style in the future. We can't rely on Japanese animation to grow on its own. Suddenly there was a moment of enthusiasm, hoping that I would also invest in the animation field and support China's own animation career, just so that we can still watch such good animation movies in the future.
In the film, the scene where the master and the apprentice go to various countries to realize Taoism is a little touching. I found that this passage can tell a great story if it is unfolded. The director edited the plot that could be made into dozens of episodes into a short segment in the movie, and it is estimated that he still can't put it down, because he is too ambitious.
It's a pity that the ambition is too big to tell the whole story. One is that the picture quality of the episodes of enlightenment in various countries has decreased, and the masters of various countries and the depiction of scenes have been saved by manpower, and the picture is not rich. In addition, I feel that compared with the screenwriter of Crazy Zoo, the screenwriter of this film does not have the courage to stretch and shrink. Some clips are dragged and some details are not rendered in place. As a result, it did not work hard to "stand up" certain supporting roles in a limited time. The pig monks, monkey friends, and a girl named Feng in the human world in the film are too preachy, and the characters are flat and lack appeal.
The whole film that most arouses my thinking and attention is the advantage of Jiutai that Monkey and Pig have always mentioned in the early stage - frankness. Maybe because of my lack of this aspect, so I really really like Jiu Tai's character. I feel that as an orphan behind me, I am loved by so many people because of the fact that "he helps those who help themselves."
In addition, the film mentioned "psychic power", which appeared in a certain country's grandmaster show to show Jiutai and his party his "butterfly", and Ichirohiko turned into a whale in the human world to find Jiutai. These thoughts made me think of VR technology, and I felt that if these pictures were turned into scenes in VR, it would be very eye-catching. The picture of whales swimming in the street in the film is so beautiful that it takes one's breath away, and it also makes me sigh at the greatness of imagination.
There is also the scene where Ichirohiko is chasing and killing Lotus, and he is incarnated by the leap of the beluga. I feel that if it can be turned into reality, it must be very shocking to be in it. This reminds people of MR technology and the black technology of Magic leap. Although the products developed by Magic leap are No physical product has been launched yet, but they once released a video of a virtual whale jumping out of the water indoors. It seems that the audience at the scene does not need to wear special glasses like VR to see this virtual image.
The girl who said she wanted to find herself and wanted to live alone without her parents as soon as she was admitted to university was like me in middle school. Just to see her a little ashamed. Is who I am now really what I wanted to be? I don't want to be like this, I hate myself for being incompetent for the rest of my life. I need to cheer up!
"The ones that love us never really leave us. When things get tough, you just know they are there. They are the strength in your vulnerability."
Although the ambition is too big, many supporting characters cannot stand up, but it is an excellent film Heartwarming film.

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The Boy and the Beast quotes

  • Kaede: You know what? I've been asking myself something. "Why am I holding Ren's hand and running away with him? Here I am, scared to death, so why am I doing it? Then I remembered something. How incredibly happy I was when we first met and we started studying together. I mean, there's nobody else who enjoys studying as much as you. When I'm with you, it gives me the courage to keep going too. And right now, it's the same. Ren, if you're going to fight, then I'm staying with you. Don't forget, neither of us is ever fighting alone.

  • Kaede: Everyone of us carries that darkness equally. Ren carries it, and so do I. But I'm still struggling as hard as I can, even now. That's why there's no way Ren can lose to you who were so easily swallowed by the darkness. There's no way we're going to lose!