"All thanks to you. The earth continues to be beautiful Home The Story of a Journey" aerial documentary of the earth

Reyes 2022-09-09 04:19:40

In April 2013, I watched the aerial documentary of "It's all about you. The earth continues to be beautiful. Home The Story of a Journey". With Cantonese dubbing. The earth is beautiful, and it is so beautiful. But photographers don’t just shoot to show us the beauty of the planet. The original intention of the cameraman for the film: "If you are interested in nature, then you are interested in the impact of people and people on the earth. Then the snow that will never melt is melting now, reflecting the impact of human beings on the earth. In Kenya, I find the things I care about, the loss of biodiversity, the globalization of agriculture, the increase in population, the increase in poverty, climate change, and the beauty of the world. I see these in every country on the planet The transformation, after many years of deliberation, I want to share with you, so I went back to these countries to make this film, and I wanted to share my observations, my doubts, my discoveries. The scientists I talked to changed me, They keep warning us, but we don't listen, we don't want to believe what we know. The people who helped solve the world's problems changed me, did you know there are 13 million volunteers in France? Seeing that passion brings joy, I got a lot, learned a lot, and now I'm passing on this insight to you, I want to convince you, so I made this film."

The images of the earth taken by the photographer in the past few years, some places have become unrecognizable due to pollution and destruction. The people and animals photographed in the previous year may have died due to disasters. The smile at that moment has become history. Can't stop crying. The same life, why do they survive so hard, I should be grateful for the situation in my life, and at the same time feel their suffering, and hope to do something. The whole earth is being polluted. While enjoying civilization, it is also destroying civilization. The gains and losses of everything are relative. It's like having less trouble and more happiness at the same time. While enjoying a comfortable living environment, it also destroys the environment, such as the enjoyment brought by air conditioning. Like the taste of meat. Don't say the weak eat the strong, that's an excuse to eat meat! Tigers won't kill several sheep at the same time because the leg of lamb is delicious, but other parts are not. It's not just us who are destroying the environment. But there is no escaping the fact that we have a part to destroy. isn't it? Do we enjoy first or do we restrain ourselves now? Or I can't see these after I die or I don't have to face such a difficult environment to survive, or I'll take pity on our younger generation and let us reduce pollution as much as possible. Although it is trivial, at least it can restrain its own destructive behavior, right?

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Home quotes

  • Narrator: We are destroying the cycle of a life that was given to us.

  • Narrator: We know that the solutions are there today. We all have the power to change. So what are we waiting for?

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