Ten stars.
The transmission of voyeurism.
original sound of sudden advent: a realization of “oh this is film not reality!”
Background music is also manipulating and coordinating with the plot: consider experimental films about an opposite/irrelevant BGM with certain definite scenes.
We are too used to film language: knows too well of what to expect. And the directors know this fact. The director plays the manipulator, and the audience obeys the manipulation without questioning.
Camera is the substitution of spectators' eyes
Other arts: absolute unreality; cinema: what you see might be true. Might be not.
Vertov is too honest. he even shows the audience that there is a camera between scenes and reality. Constantly reminding us that he's the manipulator by exposing the cameraman, telling us to keep in mind that what we see on screen is not the “real” reality.
Slow motion, fast motion, time manipulation (compress, expand) Kuleshov effect: consider experiment on ANTI-Kuleshov effect, such as close-up shot 1 smiling, shot 2 mother breastfeeding, inducing emotions and conclusions, long-range = smiling + animal cruelty shot, starting to fool the audience.
Let the audience realize that the medium before and after is different from the photo through the freeze frame (photo form).
Look what we can do with movie! We can record, speed up, slow down, sound manipulation, storyboard, use kuleshov effect manipulation, super-imposed image (surrealism), compress/expand time, repeat image... The movie is like New toys, we should be curious about the movie itself; the plot and emotions are unnecessary, the movie itself is interesting enough. to be explored.
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