A chilling story

Rocio 2022-04-23 07:05:35

Attracted by the poster: the expressions of the two people are very frightened, but the one in the middle is extremely calm. After reading the profile, I am not sure. So, let's see.
74 episodes, I haven't seen such a long episode for a long time (please ignore the works that you watch with your life, such as Pirates, Hunters, Conan), intermittently, three months, and finished.
After all kinds of foreshadowing, all kinds of clues are connected in series, all kinds of characters meet, what unfolds in my mind is a story that makes my spine shiver: slaughter caused by selfishness.
At the end, John, who suddenly woke up, appeared in Tianma's mind, and asked him plainly, does mother really know which child she gave up? At this time, I was as stunned as Tianma: Wasn't Nina the one who was abandoned? What the hell, if it was you who was abandoned, then the monster was Nina? I've been chasing Tianma for 10 years. I watched 73 episodes and deeply believed that the monster was you. Don't tell me at the end that you all got the wrong people, how can you play happily!
Of course, the monster is John.
he is very smart. The ability of mouth cannon Max, you can see through your weaknesses at a glance. Robert said that he was willing to work for John with all his heart because John told him that he would let himself see the final scene - desolation and nothing. He has not been abandoned by his mother, and has always lived by his mother's side as a girl. But did the mother always believe that he was John? When forced to make a choice, what Nina did her mother think she left behind? When Nina returned to the hotel with the pain of being stabbed by a rose, she greeted her sister who had not seen each other for a long time, and listened to her tell what happened to her. It was a world full of intrigue and murder. Anyone who listens to it will feel horrified. When Nina spoke, she didn't say Pape's last words: Never become a monster.
All John heard was his sister's misfortune. He put himself into the experience of his sister, why, why, I have to bear this? Am I the one who is not needed? Then why am I born? Can I ignore people who don't know why they're laughing? What reason do they have here? They suddenly fell, that was a punishment...
Then came the mysterious 511, a man-made organization. Absolute isolation from the world, who you are, what you want to do, what you should do... There are rules for everything, military management of your thoughts, and you don't even know what you are. We can only turn to those around us who have encountered the same thing: since everyone can’t remember themselves, it’s up to you to remember me. In the future, at least we can prove each other’s existence.
John used the selfishness of human nature to let 511 start a slaughter. But he was sitting high in the chair, watching the ants-like people go crazy for their own benefit. Friendship, memory, what are they, since they are all disposable, there is no need to keep them.
Is it wrong to say John? I think this is as difficult as judging whether Yagami is wrong. When watching "Death Note", you will also have the same thought as Yue, what is the use of such criminals in the world? Justice is on your side. (Well, although I don't know why after L died, Yue's IQ suddenly went offline, and the whole person fell into a bad state) John is the same, people who bully you, don't you hate them, don't want them Have a bad experience like you? I have caught your most vulnerable point, and then I am absolutely, just and correct with you, and successfully brainwashed, congratulations on joining our team. But I won't tell you, now that you know me, the people around you will slowly disappear, you will slowly question the world and yourself, and in the end, I am not responsible for your ending.
Therefore, no name is not swallowed by others, but by one's own greed. Uncontrollable self-expansion will eat up your original intention, and slowly you will not be yourself - who are you? do not know. Don't have a name? do not know. So what are you? monster. I don't know if it should exist in the world, I don't know if there is someone's expectation, and it appeared in the world. Isn't it a monster?
After reading it, when I think about my own words, I am terrified. Anyway, if John was standing in front of me, my whole body would be shaking, and I would definitely not be able to hold his mouth skills. Look, this is human nature. I feel that my thoughts are lofty, but there is always a moment when I am selfish, and at that moment, it is the part that is most likely to be gnawed by monsters.

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Monster quotes

  • Jan Suk: Is there something you want to say?

    Fritz Verdeman: I'm saying that your questions stick too much to the manual. So, what have we learned so far? You're just like a kid these days. You probably hit on women using a manual.

    Jan Suk: You look just like a father. I don't have a father, but I'd never want a parent like you.

  • Inspector Lunge: I already know what happened. I know about Inspector Zeman's connection to the secret police and his brutal death. Prague's police chief and two officers were poisoned to death.

    [taps fingers]

    Inspector Lunge: The two agents who were sent to tail you were found shot to death. And you're the chief suspect in all the incidents that have taken place. Considering all the evidence stacked against you, you're the culprit.

    Jan Suk: I'm not! I didn't do anything!

    Inspector Lunge: Then it could be Grimmer, the tall, thin, man who was talking with Inspector Zeman the day before he was killed?

    Jan Suk: It's not Mr. Grimmer, either! He wouldn't do something like that.

    Inspector Lunge: In that case, who is the killer? You know, don't you? You know who the killer is, right?

    Jan Suk: W-What are you talking about? If I knew, I wouldn't be in this state. Deceived by so many people... set up to take the fall... even being on the run from the police... I've had enough of this! I don't want to be betrayed anymore!

    Inspector Lunge: You're a detective, aren't you? If you're a detective, then you have to calmly dissect the situation. Even if it's painful, you must calmly uncover the truth.

    [gets up]

    Inspector Lunge: If you don't want to be betrayed anymore... then start doubting the person you want to doubt the least.

    [leaves Suk's hospital room]

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