walk into the sun

Sonia 2022-04-20 09:02:50

I haven’t written a long film review for a long time. The fast-food-like pace of life makes us too tired and too numb. In such a dense atmosphere, we have no time to think carefully, daydream, and say goodnight to our favorite people. We yelled, We make rash comments, and we resolutely deny it before we know it, just because we don't have time.
Slowly stripping away the thoughts that he wanted to talk about, and rekindling the urge to spit it out, it seems that it takes a lot of courage to write this text.
A total of 74 Chapter animations, borrowed from Wikipedia, "The story is based on suspenseful killings, medical ethics, power struggles in hospitals, love between parents and siblings, love between human beings, East-West Cold War structure, society before and after the fall of the Berlin Wall, etc. theme.". Compared with the currently popular films, she is really not long enough, but there are few who can really insist on watching it. I am very fortunate to see her ending, and I also thank the author Naoki Urasawa for dedicating such a masterpiece.
Although it is an animation, it is not surprising that many adults may not see it clearly or understandably. As an animation, she has the characteristics that fully match the last excellent movie. Every scene, every light and shadow, is skillful and smooth, which is commendable. No bright colors, no gorgeous scenes, no eye-catching style, no Superpower, no Superhero, the sensory stimulation you want, I think, there should be none. The simple colors and delicate painting skills tell the light and shadow of human nature without any clutter and rush.
What great work has in common is that it's hard to comment, too much to say, and the same goes for Monster.
As the protagonist, Dr. Tianma, sometimes in the light, sometimes in the dark, and inadvertently, promotes the development of the story, taking the audience into different scenes one after another, experiencing different stories one after another, staggered horizontally and vertically into a detailed sheet. The network of , and converged to a point at the end, the destruction and redemption that have been staged all the way, pieced together a monster in the heart of the heart - "Humans can become anything, but never become a monster."
The three fairy tales interspersed in the story have both resonance and sigh, and inadvertently seem to reveal the theme. And what the theme is, I will not speculate, but I think that what the author wants to tell us most is probably the most shining love in human nature. The beginning of the story is that Dr. Tianma defended the love of human nature John, and the beginning of all John's tragedies was the love he lost because he was "abandoned" by his mother, and the love for his sister along the way was the only reason for John's protection, because what he feared most was "forgetting Nina" .
As it was said in "The Monster Without a Name", there was no one who could call him the name he finally got. What a lovely name, John. How does one prove that one exists. Maybe after you get the whole world, you find that there is no one who loves you to call your name, what have you gained, what have you lost, and what is the meaning of your existence? Death is not terrible, a person is only truly dead when he is forgotten. The most serious sin is taking people's names, getting them back, and giving them back to you.
In fact, the whole story is not about the cruelty of life, but while facing up to these conspiracies, hatred, killing, cruelty, and indifference, it should be seen that it is integrity, bravery, kindness, awe, and the light of human nature, so come out. , walk into the sun.

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Monster quotes

  • Jan Suk: Is there something you want to say?

    Fritz Verdeman: I'm saying that your questions stick too much to the manual. So, what have we learned so far? You're just like a kid these days. You probably hit on women using a manual.

    Jan Suk: You look just like a father. I don't have a father, but I'd never want a parent like you.

  • Inspector Lunge: I already know what happened. I know about Inspector Zeman's connection to the secret police and his brutal death. Prague's police chief and two officers were poisoned to death.

    [taps fingers]

    Inspector Lunge: The two agents who were sent to tail you were found shot to death. And you're the chief suspect in all the incidents that have taken place. Considering all the evidence stacked against you, you're the culprit.

    Jan Suk: I'm not! I didn't do anything!

    Inspector Lunge: Then it could be Grimmer, the tall, thin, man who was talking with Inspector Zeman the day before he was killed?

    Jan Suk: It's not Mr. Grimmer, either! He wouldn't do something like that.

    Inspector Lunge: In that case, who is the killer? You know, don't you? You know who the killer is, right?

    Jan Suk: W-What are you talking about? If I knew, I wouldn't be in this state. Deceived by so many people... set up to take the fall... even being on the run from the police... I've had enough of this! I don't want to be betrayed anymore!

    Inspector Lunge: You're a detective, aren't you? If you're a detective, then you have to calmly dissect the situation. Even if it's painful, you must calmly uncover the truth.

    [gets up]

    Inspector Lunge: If you don't want to be betrayed anymore... then start doubting the person you want to doubt the least.

    [leaves Suk's hospital room]

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