A journey of self-discovery in the cloak of sci-fi espionage

Torey 2022-04-19 09:03:08

Combining science fiction, espionage warfare and the self-discovery of characters, the combination is very novel, and the variety of elements is certainly an advantage, but this also brings about the fact that if the essential word meaning of each element cannot be utilized, it is easy to make the story structure not compact. After all, sci-fi, espionage, and self-discovery are all big elements that can be formed independently. The story tells that if a certain element is unbalanced or disappears, it will make people have a kind of selling dog meat and old bottles of new wine. a feeling of.

Fortunately, this feeling is not obvious in the first season. The structure of the two worlds is still there, and the shadows of diplomacy and espionage warfare are still interspersed. However, due to the gradual increase in the number of characters appearing, in order to explain the characters' personalities and tell the character's life experience, it has made science fiction. , The narrative of the espionage war is slow. Starting from the second half, the background of science fiction has faded, and the tension of espionage war has gradually disappeared. The main focus is to discuss the different ways of living in the two worlds, and whether they cannot escape the saying that character determines fate, that is, although two individual, but in the end it is a destiny choice that leads to the same destination. At the end of the season, in order to keep the story going, the screenwriter swung the sword to kill the only person who knew the secret. If a word disagrees, the person will die. This routine should be learned by other screenwriters who cannot make up the story. artifact.

In terms of acting skills, 1. Howard's actor has excellent acting skills. He plays a loyal and honest interface operator and a strategic staff member who is decisive and decisive. The walking posture and temperament of the two characters of the same person are completely different. , the interface operator has low eyebrows and pleasing eyes, the strategy department is full of arrogance and always condescending (I don’t know if it’s my illusion, I feel that the wrinkles on the faces of the two old men are not the same, the interface operator has deep and many wrinkles, the strategy department The one is obviously more energetic, with fewer and shallower wrinkles).

2. The temperament of the female killer is very contradictory. When she does not kill, her eyes are gentle and harmless. She is pure like a deer.

3. Quinn's actor played a very cowardly and conceited man who thought that he was relying on his own ability and actually relying on his wife to play a three-pointed role, which really made me feel very annoying.

4. Quinn's wife is really weak. Other characters praised her as a person who can do whatever it takes to complete the task. However, I didn't see it. Show no mercy.

5. Howard's wife doesn't play a big role, her feelings are swaying, and she always pretends not to tell the truth to the black man in her career, and lives up to the sincerity of others. Fortunately, the black man is sober and decisively wields a sharp sword to cut the silk of love.

In the next season, expect the elements of sci-fi and espionage to be compacted, otherwise it will become a pure journey of self-discovery, and the structures of those new worlds built in the front will all be in vain.

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