[Prophecy Post] The relative universe is probably this way (strong spoiler)

Mireya 2022-04-19 09:03:08

According to the urination of old American TV dramas, it usually starts with a point to attract attention, and then the clues are spread out bit by bit, and finally a complete clue is revealed, and then the market reaction determines the direction of the second season, and then a set of The clues are expanded to more than one.
Then here comes the goodies. According to the information provided in the first three episodes, I boldly speculate on the story background of this TV series: there is only one world in the world, and that is our world, the one from Howard, a low-level employee, let's call it this world for the time being. Later, I don't know whether it is science and technology or a natural phenomenon, but people in this world discovered the mirror world. The mirror world can be understood as a copy of our world, or a test field. We can put things that we dare not do in this world to experiment in the mirror world. The reason for high secrecy may be to prevent the mirror world from knowing too much of the "conspiracy" of this world (there may be multiple mirror worlds). So how to do the experiment? I guess it should be people in this world who pretend to be themselves in the mirror world, then make "experimental" decisions, and then return to their own world. Or misguided by assassins, misinformation, etc. And through this secret agency for daily daily reporting. This is reflected in the negotiation between the two worlds: the ambassador of the mirror world (the world with a stronger sense of technology and the strong Howard) sighed after seeing the iPhone, "I envy you for having time to create instead of thinking about survival. Question."
Why do you infer that? Because of that letter from the last episode of the third episode. Emily's letter to Howard, Emily was so excited to read it when she got it, because it wasn't written by her, it was written by someone else. Then my inference came: Emily lying on the hospital bed should have been the first group of people who came into contact with the creation of the mirror world. He is also one of the leaders who use the mirror world as a test field. But then he should have become the leader of the uprising to liberate the mirror world. He was later assassinated, but not killed. The bishop in the mirror world may be a big villain.
Emily in this world should have talked about something implicitly to Howard, the strong in the mirror world. Emily needs to pour out her inner secrets, but she can't tell Howard who is the most trustworthy in this world, so she has to give Howard in the mirror world. Say. But it didn't tell the truth. Knowing a little, Howard questioned Emily in the mirror world, and a conflict broke out. At the same time, Howard found his emotional sustenance - Lord Bishop.
It doesn't matter if things are that simple. In order to survive in the extreme deterioration, the mirror world launched a revenge operation. Howard, who should be the mirror world, communicated with the archbishop after learning about the conspiracy of this world. The archbishop directly blackened and manipulated Howard and the assassination organization including Baldwin to avenge the world.
This world, which had a good chance of winning, was suddenly infiltrated by the secret organization of the mirror world, trying to change their relationship status, or even replace them.
It's roughly a guess. In general, it should be a spy war drama, infiltration and reverse osmosis. First create a positive and negative atmosphere, and then suddenly reverse 180 degrees, the villain becomes decent.

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