Human and nature, the highest good is like water

Freddy 2022-04-23 07:03:43

Every time I go home, I am always full of nostalgia for every thing in the house. Especially the beans with purple flowers at the gate of the yard, the flying butterflies, the vigorous lettuce, the green and oily radishes, the lush green vegetables, the tall corn, and the wild flowers that open randomly by the roadside. , humming little bees, calm and peaceful fish ponds, silently flowing rivers, endless rice fields, and the clear blue sky and white clouds...

The longer I live in the city, the more I crave every plant and tree, every flower and butterfly, and every meter and vegetable. I long to be close to nature, from which I can always find vigor and endless tranquility. The beans with purple flowers are blooming and knotted at the same time. Little bees are buzzing by the side, butterflies are flying gracefully, and even one or two small bugs will crawl out of the beans. Everything is full of vitality. . The small river that flows peacefully may have existed for hundreds of years. In the mist of the morning light, like through a layer of veil, I can see her shy and gentle makeup, so quiet and peaceful, gentle and pleasant. With the people who wake up one after another, they become lively and cute again.

Every time I go home, I greedily suck at everything, cherishing every minute and every second I have with them. Every time I go out to travel, I also prefer those natural scenery, or strange mountains and rocks, or clear springs and streams, or mountains, rivers and lakes. Dudu does not love the row upon row of high-rise buildings, and in the middle of high-rise buildings, I especially long for a place of peace.

The most impressive thing about this film is its beautiful natural landscape, as well as the harmonious coexistence between man and nature, which is touching and moving.

The hostess Amy is a thirteen-year-old girl. Her mother died in a car accident. She was taken to her father, who had been divorced from her mother for many years. Dad is an eccentric mechanical scientist. The trauma of losing her mother and the estrangement between her father and daughter made her very withdrawn. She likes to walk in the field alone, doing it quietly, and can sit for a long time.

The arrival of a flock of geese changed her life. For profit, the merchants destroyed this field and carried out logging. Dozens of goose eggs that were about to hatch into goose geese were dumped on the ground, and Amy found them and took them home. Amy created a warm breeding ground for them, allowing them to successfully hatch into geese. When those little geese came out of their shells one by one, all wet with feathers, and looked at her with wide eyes, her life changed completely. She became a geese mother, wherever she went, a group of geese would scramble to follow wherever she went. Her life has joy, vigor, and interest.

But geese are migratory animals. In autumn, they need to migrate, but without the guidance and leadership of their mother geese, they can't learn to fly, let alone migrate. So Amy's father decided to build a flying machine for Amy and take them to learn to fly and migrate. In the end, in the process of leading Xiaoyan to learn to fly and migrate, Amy found her spiritual home, and her father's heart was also closely together.

Because of nature, Amy found love. Although she lost her mother's love, she became Yan's mother and gave Xiaoyan her mother's love. Because of nature, her heart is more closely connected with her father. Because of nature, she found her spiritual home, she became able to be joyful and happy.

Nature is always so selfless to give us, that is, to give us rich material returns, and to bring sustenance to our souls. Although some people in the film destroy nature for profit, most people defend nature. Amy's father defended in court and needed a field for children to play happily and a home for those wild animals; Amy and father took good care of those little geese, even risking their lives to bring them with them Learn to fly; during the flying trip of the geese, everyone's support for them, their expectations for them, and the joy and happiness of the protection of the natural environment make people silently moved, warmed and softened.

After watching this warm movie, after being cured, I can't help but reflect on why many foreigners protect the natural environment, the ecology, and the protection and respect of life more strongly than the Chinese people? And their intimacy with animals is much higher than that of Chinese people. In foreign countries, you can see a person everywhere, walking with a dog. In the park, you can see ducks, mandarin ducks, swans, pigeons everywhere, they play without disturbing each other. There are also agile squirrels and beautiful deer, they can jump freely, haunt people's activity areas, and don't have to worry about people hunting them.

And what about us? We yearn for such a scene, but it can only be our longing. This kind of scene seems to us as precious and difficult to achieve as a paradise.

While we yearn and yearn, we are driven by interests and over-exploit nature. The rapid development of cities and the convenience of urban life have brought about tremendous changes in our lives. Human technology is also developing rapidly. We are delighted and proud of it. However, when you question your heart, you still feel that something is missing, and it is not easy for us to be so happy.

Because we lack the connection with nature, lack simplicity and innocence, lack the ability to perceive subtleties, and lack the inner peace and harmony. And nature is the source of all this.

If we want to live a happy and happy life, living in harmony with nature is the long-term way. I believe that one day, when the city develops to a certain level, everyone will choose to return and finally achieve a balance between man and nature. May we all make unremitting efforts, like the pair of women in the film, love nature, cherish everything in nature, every grass and every tree, every flower and stone, every bird and goose.

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Fly Away Home quotes

  • Amy Alden: [the ranger picks up Igor, one of Amy's goslings] Excuse me, sir, please leave him alone.

    DNR Officer: Your name's Amy, isn't it? Well Amy, these geese belong to the crown.

    Amy Alden: What crown?

    DNR Officer: That's the Queen of England.

    Thomas Alden: Pinioning?

    Susan Barnes: I have no idea.

    DNR Officer: She made rules. It's for the good of the goose, it's for the good of the people. Now what you do is you take the wing and you just shave a bit off the cuticle here--

    [prepares to cut the tip off Igor's wing with a fingernail clipper]

    Amy Alden: [utterly enraged] WHAT ARE YOU DOING?

    [shoots up from her chair and hits the ranger on the head with a bowl of popcorn]


    Thomas Alden: [indignantly grabs the ranger and hauls him to the door] What the hell are you doing?

  • DNR Officer: Who's the guy at the house?

    Amy Alden: It's my Uncle David. He's got a black belt. We call him KILLER!