I'm fed up with all your beauties.
I don't want to take it anymore. All this beauty of yours... I can't take it anymore.
I just can't tell you this. It makes me feel gloomy, grey, lethargic, vacuous, full of dank mists and fantasies about women.
To say I'm proud of it... Rather, just say I've come to live with it.
The sound of the film is like the sound of burning tobacco.
The homeland is forever a myth. It's a place that is meant to abandon you. Mostly because it has hosted you, like water, like a womb.
"It's the so-called healthy who have brought the world to the verge of ruin."
Some films are dedicated to the innermost personal intensity. Some are there, transcending the human soul to the ciel. both irresistible.
I like it when I'm all hallucinated but the movie stays sober and goes on.
I don't know if this is how Russians felt, but he depicted it well enough. It makes me want to repeat, to inflict this pain... on you. And I know he's not the one. He's just the one on whom I inflict this pain. And, to this day, I believe in this love of unshakeable pain...
Every movie tells a story about death. Death is what defines us. Utmost.
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