Millennium Actress

Destin 2022-04-19 09:02:39

"This is the key to unlocking the most important thing"
"The most important thing?"
"Guess what?"
"I don't know, don't tell me the answer until tomorrow"

No one thought that Chiyoko was waiting for tomorrow. Just a lifetime.
On a bad afternoon, he and she met in the snow. Then the sky turned pink.

Words like that are already far away like a dream. At that time, Hou just hoped that one day he could accompany him to quietly watch him paint and live a stable life, but fate has destined her to wander, wandering for the sake of stability. . .
I never knew what his name was, what he painted, and in the end even his appearance was blurred, she just chased, kept chasing.
It is not so important to be able to achieve such a result. What is important is the search process, regardless of the constant change of times, the cruelty of reincarnation, and whether the ending is always the only one. Chiyoko will always be the little girl who runs in the snow, even though her hair is as pale as snow, chasing her dreams keeps her young forever.

"To repay you, I will invite you when peace comes," he said.
A blush appeared on Chiyoko's face. Fantasy starts here.
Then pull the tick.

tomorrow. . . . . .
Tomorrow, Chiyoko has to wait for a long time. After a long period of reincarnation and the change of times, she herself has also changed into a different life, princess, revolutionary, and actor. . . Or nothing else matters, what matters is where is he?
Where is
he where
he is where
he is
. . . . .
In countless time and space, Chiyoko saw the same scene.
He, the one she had been chasing, was taken away, and then various times and various doors slowly closed. Even if reincarnation has passed a hundred years, a thousand years, even if this scene Chiyo has experienced dozens of times, hundreds of times, at this time, it is always so easy to break all Chiyoko's strength, no matter how tough, it will collapse. .

She spent her whole life chasing the man who had only one side. She didn't regret it. Because I believe, I am firm, so I can be so brave.

She has been holding the most important key, looking for him. Go to his hometown with him while waiting for peace to come, and live a peaceful and stable life. I don't know what day it was, Chiyoko saw the man's painting by chance, and it was icy and snowy. She still remembered him saying that he painted his hometown. A bleak place.

Until the cycle of reincarnation can no longer turn, the time has come to an end.
Chiyoko lay on the hospital bed, listening to a voice telling her that the man was killed in reincarnation. The white-haired Chiyoko sighed calmly. Things like tears have lost any meaning. For nearly a thousand years of reincarnation, the girl has been chasing and wandering, and the man she was looking for has already died in a corner of this thousand years and turned into a tiny speck of dust. . . . . .

Finally, the camera turned to the man's hometown, that piece of frozen land. The man and Chiyoko were sitting together. I don't know if it was the rising sun or the setting sun. In short, the sky was dyed red, pink, just like the day they met.

A tragedy that has lasted for thousands of years ended under a pink sky, and the sadness in my heart warmed with pink.

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Millennium Actress quotes

  • Junichi Ootaki: [while he sees to Young Genya getting in to the Set] Hey, Don't stay there! Go and find it!

    Genya TachibanaGenya: Yes sir!

    Genya: [He looks to Junichi] Eh... What are we looking for?

    Genya TachibanaJunichi Ootaki: [Genya screams to his young self] The Chiyoko's damn Key!

  • Genya Tachibana: [a big truck stops in front of Chiyoko, Genya appears dressed and acting like a 60's truck driver] Hey miss, Don't you look when you walk around here?... Come in!

    Kyoji Ida: This role of savior makes you happy, huh?