Pig--The Miserable Life That Everyone Faces

Mustafa 2022-07-21 15:06:46

Who gave the title of the translation, "Quick Pig Kill"? I thought Cage was also in an action movie. As a result, it took 50 minutes to see a little reaction. This could be a food movie. Lord, it's broken.

The movie itself is still good. From the perspective of a road movie, follow the glorious life of a top chef. Watching movie subtitles, at the end, there is no picture, but there is sound. Hear shovels shoveling dirt, pigs and flies. Combined with the plot, the little agent promised to buy him another pig. The final shot of the film is of Cage looking at the ceiling. It is conceivable that when Cage went back, he hanged himself. Dead for days, and no one knows. It was only when the little broker came to deliver him a new piglet that he found out that he was dead. So it was buried. This is the real ending.

It is difficult for everyone to face a bleak future. The father refused to let his son enter the profession because he regretted losing his mother and did not extubate her. And in his lifetime of pursuing the honor of being a top chef, Cage also regretted not being able to accompany his wife well. The little agent, on the other hand, has been under the influence of his father all his life and cannot live according to his own wishes.

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Pig quotes

  • Rob: What happened to the persimmon tree?

    Bryce: What's a persimmon?

    Rob: It's a uh.. it's an orange fruit looks kind of like tomato.

    Rob: You can't eat it if it's not ripe it's awful

    Rob: But if you give it time, it gets rid of these things called tannins and then they are very good.

    Bryce: I don't think we have a persimmon tree

    Rob: No? That's okay

    Bryce: Did it die?

  • Rob: Derek why do you care about these people? They don't care about you, none of them.

    Rob: They don't even know you because you haven't shown them.

    Rob: Everyday you wake up and there'll be less of you you live your life for them and they don't even see you.

    Rob: You don't even see yourself. We don't get a lot of things to really care about.

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