Not crazy, not live

Leonel 2022-04-20 09:02:12

My roommate was Amway before, but I didn't care about it at the time and didn't read it. I took a look at it some time ago and fell in love with it. I have to say, this is a classic, and it deserves such a high rating.

The beginning of the movie echoes the ending, and after seeing the ending, I can't help but go back to the beginning and watch it again. Cheng Dieyi was the child of a prostitute. She was handsome, but she was a man. She couldn't live in a brothel. It is worth mentioning that Jiang Wenli, who played her mother, cruelly cut off his extra fingers before putting him in the Peking Opera class. The performance was wonderful.

When Cheng Dieyi was a child, no matter how his master punished him, he always insisted that he was a man, but the master made him subvert his cognition. "I was originally a female Jiao'e, not a man." The words came out of his mouth and buried in his heart. Since then, he thought he was a woman, and it was because of this that he sang Yu Ji so well. He thought Xiaolou was the overlord, and he was Xiaolou's Yuji, and no one could replace her. He was too deeply involved in the play, and he could not distinguish Cheng Dieyi from Yu Ji for a long time, so he finally drew his sword and killed himself.

This is also a very good historical film. From the late Qing Dynasty to the Republic of China to the new China, it reflects the social status quo at that time, and also witnesses the prosperity and decline of Peking Opera culture. The most impressive is the period of the Cultural Revolution, the blind elimination of the four olds is simply the splendor of traditional culture!

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Farewell My Concubine quotes

  • Master Yuan: A smile ushers in the spring.

    Master Yuan: A tear does darken all the world.

    Master Yuan: How truly does this befit you. To you... only you are possessed of such charm.