When you can't think about it, don't think hard about the problem, it will pass in a while

Tyreek 2022-04-23 07:04:38

After watching two Abbass, I know that there will be unexpected reversals in the last few minutes, so this time I try to guess in the opposite direction. What does a soldier's short story mean? Remember when you were young so you don't want to die? Or is the whole story just a movie within a movie, and the shooting doesn't have to be believed? Or is it dead in retrospect to his glory days? Anyway, the result is not that important, the beauty and energy that this movie transmits to me is real. The old man who suddenly appeared at the end once made me feel like God. Maybe he also played the role of God to some extent. From Buddy running to find him, I saw a little will to live. He has been looking for someone to be alone, hoping to find someone who can empathize with his pain a little bit, so that it may be easy to get help. Might as well call it "A Man Named Buddy Decided to Die". People who are determined to die appear pretentious and vulnerable in the crowd of people who work hard to live, but they have indeed experienced pain that others cannot understand and understand. the joy of life. Not everyone can encounter the turning point of Cherry, and there are many people who put the rope on at once and then game over. The greatest significance of the movie to me is the reflection it brought me after watching it. The old man said a lot of sobering things and gained some benefits. Sometimes it is true that there is a problem with your own thinking. When you are uncomfortable, change your thinking. Don't be defeated! Still have to say that Abbas is really good at shooting! ! It's so beautiful. Whether the people on the road met randomly or arranged it, it should be the latter, after all, the lines or something. But I still suspected that it was a documentary, but I knew it was a movie hhh. The last piece of music is full of hope, and I'd like to believe that he was thinking about it.

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Extended Reading

Taste of Cherry quotes

  • Mr. Badii: I've decided to free myself from this life.

    The seminarian: What for?

    Mr. Badii: It wouldn't help you to know and I can't talk about it and you wouldn't understand. It's not because you don't understand but you can't feel what I feel. You can sympathize, understand, show compassion. But feel my pain? No. You suffer and so do I. I understand you. You comprehend my pain, but you can't feel it

  • Mr. Bagheri: I'll tell you something that happened to me. It was just after I got married. We had all kinds of troubles. I was so fed up with it that I decided to end it all. One morning, before dawn, I put a rope in my car. My mind was made up. I wanted to kill myself. I set off for Mianeh. This was in 1960. I reached the mulberry tree plantations. I stopped there. It was still dark. I threw the rope over a tree but it didn't catch hold. I tried once, twice but to no avail. So then I climbed the tree and tied the rope on tight. Then I felt something soft under my hand. Mulberries. Deliciously sweet mulberries. I ate one. It was succulent, then a second and third. Suddenly, I noticed that the sun was rising over the mountaintop... What sun, what scenery, what greenery! All of a sudden, I heard children heading off to school. They stopped to look at me. They asked me to shake the tree. The mulberries fell and they ate. I felt happy. Then I gathered some mulberries to take them home. My wife was still sleeping. When she woke up, she ate mulberries as well. And she enjoyed them too. I had left to kill myself and I came back with mulberries. A mulberry saved my life. A mulberry saved my life.