Analysis of characters

Sophie 2022-10-10 23:15:33

Cyril is a young man full of energy. He is simple, persistent, brave, determined, and full of trust in love.
Favorite part is the exchange between Samantha and Cyril in the car on the way to see his father again:
"—If things don't turn out as you imagined, don't be discouraged"
"—I didn't imagine"

His character is also the same, simple, Straightforward.

The seemingly reckless head rushed forward, but in fact Cyril knew what he was doing, even if the adults said to him: "It's useless, the phone is off... Your father doesn't live here, the house is empty Yes...he's already 40 minutes late and doesn't look like he's coming...don't play with that drug dealer, he's hunting for kids on the street especially if you're new here. ......" No matter what kind of information he received, Cyril would still fight for whatever he wanted, as if his energy was inexhaustible, and he could try everything for nothing. But in fact he cherished not many things: a bicycle, dad, friends.

The most unbearable thing is that he hurt people for his friends, and after robbing him, he was repeatedly rejected by his friends and his father. At that time, he seemed to realize something, but he would never feel helpless, he just recognized some of the family and friendship that he once believed in, and then put them aside, clinched tightly around him and truly loved himself Samantha.

I haven't seen Cyril's growth, because I think he has always been a mature child, otherwise, he would not pursue it so calmly, give up rationally after getting the answer, and not cause any psychological burden to the people around him, everything choose to bear it.

There are only two ways for him to communicate with people, one is language and the other is action. Cyril didn't say much, but he succinctly went straight to the point, without any nonsense, and immediately acted on what he wanted without hesitation.

Cyril is a child, but his mind surpasses that of most adults.
He is independent and free.
Perhaps it is because of this that I feel inferior and helpless.

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Extended Reading

The Kid with a Bike quotes

  • Guy Catoul: It's too much. I can't look after him.

  • Wes: May I call you Pitbull?