
Janiya 2022-11-02 07:37:47

It was the first time I watched a French film in its entirety, and I may have learned English since I was a child. I was greatly influenced by British and American culture, and I was still not curious about Latin-language films. I watched the French movie this time, and I really felt what the real Western countries are like. There are many Western countries, not only the United Kingdom and the United States, but not only English. And French and German, and Latin, and so on.
The story scene is a French town, ordinary. The protagonist is a child on a bicycle whose father has no intention of starting a family after his mother's death. The protagonist is adopted by a female barber. The female barber is very concerned about the bicycle boy, but the boy misses his father and hopes to return to him. The bicycle boy's father is a chef. The boy will go to his father every weekend. His father seems to be tired of this child. He always says that he is busy and does not want the boy to disturb him.
Depressed and sad, the teenager returned to the barber.
Once, a teenager met a gangster in the town during a fight with others. The gangster pretended to be a good person and brought the boy to his house to play games for him. Later, the teenager gradually trusted the gangster, and the gangster taught him to rob and steal money. Instigated by the gangster, the teenager knocked out the father and son of the newsstand and stole their money. Accidentally, his face was seen by the newsstand son. The teenager told the gangster about it. The gangster was afraid of causing trouble, so he didn't ask for the money that the boy grabbed, shirk the responsibility, and abandoned the boy.
The young man was very lost and thought he had really found a friend. So he went back to his father and gave the money he stole to his father. And told him that he stole the money, no one knew, and the ruthless father was also afraid of causing trouble to drive away his son himself.
The touching character of this film is a female hairdresser, who cherishes the child very much, and because of this, she quarreled with her boyfriend and broke up. Streets, sunshine, books, these ordinary things constitute a moving from a small perspective.
Stubborn boy.
Tomorrow is Father's Day, and I seriously condemn the father who abandoned the bicycle boy.

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The Kid with a Bike quotes

  • Guy Catoul: It's too much. I can't look after him.

  • Wes: May I call you Pitbull?