Growth on the bike

Astrid 2022-11-07 23:01:52

A boy, a bicycle, he has nothing to rely on, only on the galloping bicycle can we perceive the deep emotion contained in this silent boy.
In the first hand-cranked shot at the beginning of the film, the boy Cyril appears breathless in the picture. He is looking for his father who abandoned him in a child welfare home and wants to retrieve his beloved bicycle.
Cyril in a red coat appeared in front of the audience, looking stubborn, silent, withdrawn, stubborn, and matured for his age. His stubbornness is an uncompromising lack of awareness of life, he doesn't believe that his father abandoned him, he doesn't believe that his father sold his bicycle and walked away, so he doesn't trust others and is hostile to everything.
We can see from his confused but determined eyes that his world is built around his father, he lied, he played truant, just to find his missing father. Maybe his hostility to Samantha in the beginning was just because she helped him get his bike back, making it easier for him to find Dad.
Cyril's fights seemed to be fierce and unusual, and it was only because they obstructed his purpose of finding his father, or they wanted to take away the only thought - a bicycle.
It was Cyril who rode that bicycle and tried his best to find his father, but Cyril's hard search was exchanged for his father's abandonment. Cyril could no longer bear this last emotional dependence. On the way back, he was pedaling hard in the car and tearing everything around him, a dull and suppressed cry for a long time remembered that he, who seemed strong and stubborn, could not accept the reality of being abandoned by his father.
Cyril wore a red coat, rode a bicycle, and ran in the dark with his body bent. In the hand-cranked camera, the bicycle merged with him, the kind of stubbornness and confusion, which was appropriately expressed by the advancing bicycle.
Cyril was instigated by the street gangster Weiss to rob other people's money. In order to win the favor of Weiss, he even fell out with Samantha and stabbed her unintentionally. He thought he had finally won a real friendship, so when Wes instigated him to rob, he even told Wes that he robbed not for money, but for Wes.
But when Weiss saw that Cyril was discovered, his fierceness was revealed, and he tried his best to put aside his relationship with Cyril. Cyril took the stolen money and stood on the street in the night sky, at a loss.
In the middle of the night, he took the money, rode his bicycle, and went to his father again. He wanted to please his father with money, but was still ruthlessly rejected. Seeing Cyril standing in the dark, not looking at the money thrown on the ground, turning around and riding a bicycle and running away, the cruelty of life and the indifference of human feelings have made him truly realize his mistake. He seemed to understand, let go of thinking about his father, and the person who really loved him was the one he had just hurt, Samantha.
He was used by Weiss because he rode his bicycle forward, but he didn't know who he was for or where he was going. In the end, what he gained was his goal and the strength to move forward.
In the end, he was chased and beaten by the child he had attacked, and he did not fight back. In the end, the other party tried to cover up the truth, but he just stood up and rode away silently. This is a confession to the past and his farewell to the past.
Cyril continued to grow and gain family affection along the way. I believe he will also gain friendship and regain a healthy and complete childhood.

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The Kid with a Bike quotes

  • Guy Catoul: It's too much. I can't look after him.

  • Wes: May I call you Pitbull?