How big of a heart do you have to have to accommodate such a child

Anibal 2022-12-17 17:21:12

Looking at the title, I thought it was a sports movie, how a child becomes a cyclist. It's not a family movie either. The father is not ready to raise a child. I really don't know how the child grows up. The movie doesn't explain the whereabouts of the mother. This is about the process of a woman adopting a child.
According to our experience, the younger you want to adopt a child, the better. If you have no memory, you will treat the adopter as your relative. If the confidentiality work is done well, the child is sensible, and it is not easy to turn him (her) around. Yes, the Taiwanese movie "I Live My Life Like This" tells the story of a stepmother raising 3 children, and the hardships can be felt through the screen. The adopter and the boy in "The Bicycle Boy" belong to fate. The boy hugged her (Samantha) hard to escape the recovery center. Samantha is a hairdresser. She didn't need to get involved in such a thankless thing, but she moved with compassion for the child, once to find a bicycle for him, once to let the boy spend the weekend with her, and to help the boy find a father. As the layers progress, it can be regarded as getting deeper and deeper. She lost her boyfriend, was fined by the judge, and was stabbed by the boy. Can she continue to adopt (see it for yourself)?
I really admire Samantha's love and courage. She accepts the child that her biological father doesn't want, and lets him feel the warmth of the world. Otherwise, he will eventually become a social cancer, so her approach not only saves the individual, but also saves him. Of course, how do you manage this? In the recent arson case in Hangzhou, the heroine was also good to the arsonist and the nanny. She mentioned that she would lend her money to buy a house. In today’s society, someone who can lend you money There are not many. Some people say that the person who can lend you money is a true friend, but has the hostess got a good reward? It still continues the story of the farmer and the snake.
But watching such a movie still feels very warm in my heart, it shows that we all have a strong desire to save and help others, but when we return to reality, we are afraid of being troubled and hurt. We have to weigh the pros and cons and let our love continue to be discounted. .

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The Kid with a Bike quotes

  • Guy Catoul: It's too much. I can't look after him.

  • Wes: May I call you Pitbull?