three characters

Edgardo 2022-10-31 09:53:55

Although the title of the film is le gamin au vélo, the Darney brothers have created three outstanding characters: their father, Samantha and Cyril.

This father is very reminiscent of the father who sold his son in another Darney Brothers film "The Child." But I believe, at least I would like to believe that the father, after a brief separation from his lover through prison, will take his responsibility. And the father in the play is selfish. He only wants to start over by himself, but he does not consider the expectations of his children at all. He is cowardly and dares not tell his son about his own decision. I don't think he does not want to make his son sad. But I don't want to face my son's sadness. The child is very sensible in front of him, even if the father sold his car, he just said a simple "c'est pas grave", and the father is more like a child in front of the child.

Samantha is a character I really like, she is kind, beautiful and strong. I think the director chose this actress for a reason. The muscles in her arms tell a lot about her personality. Maybe she was obsessed with outdoor sports and saw the magnificent mountains and rivers. I believe she is a person with a story. Although the movie did not make any explanations, from her finding the bike for Cyril, from her choosing the latter between her boyfriend and Cyril, from her tolerance and forgiveness again and again, we may It can be guessed that she did not have or had lost her own child. I believe that Cyril and her life will get better and better.

The time that the film tells, maybe in 3 weeks (the last jump may be a little longer). The first scene is Cyril holding on to the phone, trying to get his bike back, and we know from his conversation with his father that he just arrived at this boarding school. To me, Cyril is really a very simple child. Whoever treats him well, he wants to repay him twice. To his elders, he will be extra obedient. To his peers, even if he commits a crime, he must fulfill his promise. I said in the short comment that in the end Cyril got up and staggered and rode back like a hero. He had promised to buy some charcoal fire to go home. He would go home before the agreed time. He had no time to wait for the ambulance.

In the film, after Cyril committed the crime, there is a long shot of 1 minute and 15 meters of cycling. What was he thinking at this time?

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The Kid with a Bike quotes

  • Guy Catoul: It's too much. I can't look after him.

  • Wes: May I call you Pitbull?