Three soundtracks

Gerald 2022-11-08 13:13:08

The film continues the Darney brothers' focus on the disadvantaged and their minimalist style of realism. A large number of handheld follow shots and medium and close-up shots, follow focus and transitions are quick and natural, and the elliptical narrative of connecting dots and lines.
The soundtrack appears only three times and uses the same piece.
The first two episodes only have a short 18-second prelude, which appeared in two scenes: Cyril burst into tears in the arms of his adoptive mother Samantha after being abandoned by his father in front of him; when Cyril wanted to give the money from the robbery to his father, Father rejected him again. Sad melody, the different rituals of being loved and abandoned have the same sadness. The Darney brothers vowed to cut out the sensational, and the two episodes seemed not to be artificially arranged, but to appear naturally in response to the inner call of the audience.
Cyril, who was always naughty at the end, resolutely refused to fight back for Martin's revenge. Cyril was injured with a mild concussion and turned down the help of the Martins and left alone - knowing that Samantha must be worried about his late return. At this time, the last soundtrack, the ending song, sounded, and Cyril disappeared into the depths of the screen while riding a bicycle in the panoramic shot. The Darney brothers hide behind the camera and present the underlying pain and hope succinctly and calmly, which confuses the kind-hearted audience. Is the caller of the sincere human power in their hearts this film, or the one watching the film?

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Extended Reading

The Kid with a Bike quotes

  • Guy Catoul: It's too much. I can't look after him.

  • Wes: May I call you Pitbull?