"Abandoned is not necessarily a desperate situation" ——Feelings of the movie "Bicycle Boy"

Jason 2022-10-31 03:10:30

"Abandonment is not necessarily a desperate situation" ——The
movie "Bicycle Boy" feels

desperate In
this world, there is probably nothing more painful than being abandoned by close relatives one after another. First, the mother ran away from home and abandoned the boy, and then was silently sent to the adoption center by the father without leaving any message. Even the only bicycle for the child was sold, just to get some money to keep alive. The young man kept looking for his father until his father said in person, I will never see you again, you are my drag. That feeling of being abandoned is simply terrible, and it will be pushed directly into the self-destruction situation of "I'm not worth, I'm not worthy of love, I'm not good", which is why teenagers frantically grab themselves in the car and use them like crazy. Let your head hit the window pane to relieve some of the unbearable mental pain.

As a result, the teenager lost his trust in the "caregiver" and threw himself into the social circle of drug dealers, because in that world, he did not have to trust the "caregiver", but only established the so-called "safe" circle of his own. When the drug dealer taught him how to rob, and asked "why are you willing to do this", the teenager said, "for you." Yes, for this "safe" and "accepted" world, I would do anything for you, even if Crime or sacrificing one's life are also acceptable, what could be more important than a sense of belonging, existence, and worth? When the drug dealer was afraid of what happened, he chose to abandon him. This is the third time that the teenager has been abandoned, the abandonment of his parents, followed by the betrayal of "friendship". He took the money from the robbery, found his father, told his father, you were short of money, you took this money, I stole it, but I will not tell the police to give it to you. But he was driven away by his father again, on the grounds that "you will put me in jail". This is really a fatal blow. In order to return to my father, even "pleasant" was rejected. Yes, you said that you were poor and abandoned me. I gave you money, and you have no reason to abandon me. , but still abandoned, what a terrible lie exposed. How cruel, how directly to tell the boy, I am true, true, I don't need you, I don't want you, I want you to stay away from my life.

Maybe at this time, the teenager realizes that it is not necessary for close relatives (parents) to give you love, and it is not necessary to be valuable to others (drug dealers) in order to obtain love, because love is love itself, without asking for anything in return, and there is no value evaluation system. . The teenager then returned to the adopter. At the end, it is really a sad and inspiring joke. The boy was chased into the woods by the son of the newsstand owner who had robbed him, and was beaten and fell from the tree. The newsstand father and son thought he was dead and tried to lie, and the boy's "death" had nothing to do with them. When the teenager woke up, he refused them to take him to the hospital, and just left quietly. At that moment, what was the feeling in the young man's heart? Newsstand father and son, maybe they have to live with the shadow of "cowardice" and "hypocrisy" in this life, but at that moment, did he choose to forgive and forgive this world full of all kinds of untrustworthy? I think, at this moment, the teenager's heart must be, I am very sad, I fell from the tree, but I am also very relieved, yes, I hurt you, understand your anger, but I choose to forgive your anger, in my heart , I live with love, and I will go back to my nurturer's house, ready to have a barbecue with my family and friends, where love is where I belong.

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The Kid with a Bike quotes

  • Guy Catoul: It's too much. I can't look after him.

  • Wes: May I call you Pitbull?